As an exception to its general policy, GSA has agreed with the Department of Defense to accept reports of excess on some facilities with instructions on their disposal, specifically:
(a) Defense Industrial Reserve (DIR). The Defense Industrial Reserve Act 50 U.S.C. 451 et seq., authorizes the Secretary of Defense to determine which excess industrial properties should become a part of DIR and to formulate a national security clause or recapture provisions to preserve the production capacity of the plants for use in the event of a national emergency. Excess DIR plants are reported to GSA for disposal subject to the national security clause or the recapture provisions. (See FPMR Subsection 101-47.306-2 for procedures where GSA is unable to dispose of the property because of the restrictions imposed by the national security clause or recapture provisions.)
(b) Reserving property for civil defense purposes. GSA has agreed to accept reports of excess of missile sites and other facilities having similar protective features, with restrictions on their disposal. DEs will be notified when DOD advises that a specified local government unit is interested in acquiring such property. Reports of excess will specify the local government unit interested. Disposal of the property will be limited to conveyance to the local government unit, with conditions restricting its use to civil defense purposes for a period of 20 years, with reverter to the United States for breach of condition. In appropriate cases, GSA will enter into a temporary lease arrangement if necessary to afford a local government unit an opportunity to obtain the necessary funds for purchase. This procedure is limited to cases where DOD has determined and advised there is a civil defense need. Disposal action will not be delayed pending receipt of such advise.