FPMR 101-47.303-2 provides that the disposal agency shall allow a reasonable period of time for states, municipalities, and their instrumentalities, to perfect a comprehensive and coordinated plan of use and procurement of surplus property in which they may be interested. This provision applies to surplus property that can be disposed of by negotiated sale under the special acts listed in Sec. Sec. 644.428 through 644.432 for public highways, streets, and alleys under the Act listed in Sec. Sec. 644.421 and 644.422, by transfer to the District of Columbia under Sec. 644.407, and under the individual agency negotiating authority of the Federal Property Act, (40 U.S.C. 484(e)(3). A listing of the special acts, with the eligible public agencies, and some guides for classification of property for disposal are contained in FPMR, 101-47.4905.