Buildings and other improvements made available for disposal by competent authority and not needed for further Federal utilization, or assigned to HEW, will be diposed of by sale by the responsible DE. Sales will be accomplished in the following manner:
(a) Sale to lessor where restoration is not required. Where the terms of a lease do not require restoration by the Government, it may nevertheless be in the best interest of the Government to negotiate a sale of the improvements to the lessor. In such cases, the DE is authorized to negotiate such sale where the net salvage value of all improvements located on the premises involved in any one lease is less than $1,000, and the sales price is determined to be as high as can be expected under the circumstances and compares favorably with the Government estimate prepared in accordance with paragraph (d) of this section.
(b) Sale under options. All leases or other rights of occupancy will be examined to determine whether the owner of the land has an option to purchase buildings or other improvements. See Sec. 644.486 for sale of improvements constructed under Emergency Plant Facilities or similar contracts.
(c) Sale to eligible public agencies, the Boy Scouts, and the public. The sales procedure, including notice to eligible public agencies and advertising, set forth in Sec. Sec. 644.540 through 644.557 will be followed in the sale of buildings or other improvements.
(d) Appraisal. Except as otherwise provided in Sec. Sec. 644.540 through 644.557 buildings and other improvements will be appraised prior to sale. Except as provided in Sec. 644.490, appraisal will be based on the highest and best use which may be for (1) removal and use intact; or (2) for dismantling, and removal and stockpiling the salvageable material for reuse or sale.