Section 15 of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 644), provides that where certain joint determinations are made by the SBA and a disposal agency, the award of a contract for the sale of Government property shall be made to a small business concern. Section IV, Joint Set-Aside Determination of the DOD-SBA Agreement implements Section 15 of the Small Business Act. It is not anticipated that SBA will recommend that Army timber be reserved or set aside for sale to small business concerns on an exclusive or preferential basis. In the event recommendations on set asides of Army timber are received from SBA field offices, the SBA recommendations will be forwarded promptly to HQDA (DAEN-REM) WASH DC 20314 with DE comments and recommendation. Sec. Sec. 644.513-644.515 [Reserved]
Clearance of Explosive Hazards and Other Contamination From Proposed
Excess Land and Improvements