(a) An EA is intended to facilitate agency planning and informed decision-making, helping proponents and other decision makers understand the potential extent of environmental impacts of a proposed action and its alternatives, and whether those impacts (or cumulative impacts) are significant. The EA can aid in Army compliance with NEPA when no EIS is necessary. An EA will be prepared if a proposed action:
(1) Is not an emergency (Sec. 651.11(b)).
(2) Is not exempt from (or an exception to) NEPA (Sec. 651.11(a)).
(3) Does not qualify as a CX (Sec. 651.11(c)).
(4) Is not adequately covered by existing NEPA analysis and documentation (Sec. 651.19).
(5) Does not normally require an EIS (Sec. 651.42).
(b) An EA can be 1 to 25 pages in length and be adequate to meet the requirements of this part, depending upon site-specific circumstances and conditions. Any analysis that exceeds 25 pages in length should be evaluated to consider whether the action and its effects are significant and thus warrant an EIS.