(a) MACOMs can request delegation authority and responsibility for an EA of national concern or an EIS from ASA(I&E;). The proponent, through the appropriate chain of command, and with the concurrence of environmental offices, forwards to HQDA (ODEP) the request to propose, prepare, and finalize an EA and FNSI or EIS through the ROD stage. The request must include, at a minimum, the following:
(1) A description of the purpose and need for the action.
(2) A description of the proposed action and a preliminary list of alternatives to that proposed action, including the ``no action'' alternative. This constitutes the DOPAA.
(3) An explanation of funding requirements, including cost estimates, and how they will be met.
(4) A brief description of potential issues of concern or controversy, including any issues of potential Army-wide impact.
(5) A plan for scoping and public participation.
(6) A timeline, with milestones for the EIS action.
(b) If granted, a formal letter will be provided by ASA(I&E;) outlining extent, conditions, and requirements for the NEPA action. Only the ASA(I&E;) can delegate this authority and responsibility. When delegated signature authority by HQDA, the MACOM will be responsible for complying with this part and associated Army environmental policy. This delegation, at the discretion of ASA(I&E;), can include specific authority and responsibility for coordination and staffing of:
(1) EAs and FNSIs, and associated transmittal packages, as specified in Sec. 651.35(c).
(2) NOIs, Preliminary Draft EISs (PDEISs), Draft EISs (DEISs), Final EISs (FEISs), RODs and all associated transmittal packages as specified in Sec. 651.45. Such delegation will specify requirements for coordination with ODEP and ASA (I&E;).