(a) Semiannual reports will be submitted by the 20th of April and October for the preceding 6-month reporting period (October 1 through March 31 and April 1 through September 30).
(b) The reporting period will be inclusive from the first through the last days of each reporting period.
(c) The report will contain four parts:
(1) Part 1. Regular Cases.
(2) Part 2. Reconsideration of President Ford's Memorandum of January 19, 1977, and Special Discharge Review Program Cases.
(3) Part 3. Cases Heard under Pub. L. 95-126 by waiver of 10 U.S.C. 1553, with regard to the statute of limitations.
(4) Part 4. Total Cases Heard.
Semiannual DRB Report--RCS DD-M(SA) 1489; Summary of Statistics for Discharge Review Board (FY )
[Sample format]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nonpersonal appearance Personal appearance Total
Name of board Percent
Applied Number approved Percent approved Applied Number approved Percent approved Applied Number approved approved------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
................. ................. ................. ................. ................. ................ ................ ................ ...........------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note:
Identify numbers separately for traveling panels, regional panels, or hearing examiners, as appropriate.
Use of additional footnotes to clarify or amplify the statistics being reported is encouraged.