This subpart implements 5 U.S.C. 552(a) (1) and (2) and provisions of Department of Defense Directive 5400.7 May 13, 1988 (32 CFR part 286, 55 FR 53104); Department of Defense Directive 5400.9, December 23, 1974 (32 CFR part 336, 40 FR 49111); and the Regulations of the Administrative Committee of the Federal Register (1 CFR chaps. I and II) by delineating responsibilities and prescribing requirements, policies, criteria, and procedures applicable to:
(a) Publishing the following Department of the Navy documents in the Federal Register:
(1) Certain classes of regulatory, organizational policy, substantive, and procedural documents required to be published for the guidance of the public;
(2) Certain classes of proposed regulatory documents required to be published for public comment prior to issuance; and
(3) Certain public notices required by law or regulation to be published;
(b) Making available, for public inspection and copying, certain classes of documents having precedential effect on decisions concerning members of the public;
(c) Maintaining current indexes of documents having precedential effect on decisions concerning members of the public, and publishing such indexes or making them available by other means;
(d) Receiving and considering petitions of members of the public for the issuance, revision, or cancellation of regulatory documents of some classes; and
(e) Distributing the Federal Register for official use within the Department of the Navy.