(a) Dependent. As used in this subpart, the term ``dependent'' denotes a person who bears one of the following relationships to his or her sponsor:
(1) A wife.
(2) A husband if dependent on his sponsor for more than one-half of his support.
(3) An unmarried legitimate child, including an adopted or stepchild who is dependent on the sponsor for over one-half of his or her support and who either:
(i) Has not passed the 21st birthday; or
(ii) Is incapable of self-support due to a physical or mental incapacity that existed prior to reaching the age of 21; or
(iii) Has not passed the 23rd birthday and is enrolled in a full-time course of study in an accredited institution of higher learning.
(b) Transfer to naval MTFs in the United States. Do not transfer personnel covered in this subpart to the United States solely for the purpose of obtaining medical care at naval MTFs. Consideration may be given however, in special circumstances following laws of humanity or principles of international courtesy. Transfer to naval MTFs in the United States of such persons located outside the United States requires approval of the Secretary of the Navy. Naval commands, therefore, should not commit the Navy by a promise of treatment in the United States. Approval generally will not be granted for treatment of those who suffer from incurable afflictions, who require excessive nursing or custodial care, or those who have adequate facilities in their own country. When a request is received concerning transfer for treatment at a naval MTF in the United States, the following procedures apply:
(1) Forward the request to the Chief of Naval Operations (OP-61), with a copy to the Commander, Naval Medical Command, Washington, DC 20372-5120 for administrative processing. Include:
(i) Patient's full name and grade or rate (if dependent, the sponsor's name and grade or rate also).
(ii) Country of which a citizen.
(iii) Results of coordination with the chief of the diplomatic mission of the country involved.
(iv) Medical report giving the history, diagnosis, clinical findings, results of diagnostic tests and procedures, and all other pertinent medical information.
(v) Availability or lack thereof of professional skills and adequacy of facilities for treatment in the member's own country.
(vi) Who will assume financial responsibility for costs of hospitalization and travel.
(2) The Chief of Naval Operations (OP-61) will, if appropriate, obtain State Department clearance and guidance and advise the Secretary of the Navy accordingly. The Commander, Naval Medical Command will furnish the Chief of Naval Operations information and recommendations relative to the medical aspects and the name of the naval MTF with the capability to provide required care. If approved, the Chief of Naval Operations will furnish, through the chain of command, the commanding officer of the designated naval MTF authorization for admission of the beneficiary for treatment.