(a) Policies--(1) Invitational travel orders screening. Prior to determining the levels of care authorized or the government or person responsible for payment for care rendered, carefully screen ITOs to detect variations applicable to certain foreign countries. For example, unless orders state differently, Kuwait has a civilian health plan to cover medical expenses of their trainees; trainees from the Federal Republic of Germany are personally responsible for reimbursing for inpatient care provided to their dependents; and all inpatient medical services for trainees from France and their dependents are to be borne by the individual trainee.
(1) Invitational travel orders screening. Prior to determining the levels of care authorized or the government or person responsible for payment for care rendered, carefully screen ITOs to detect variations applicable to certain foreign countries. For example, unless orders state differently, Kuwait has a civilian health plan to cover medical expenses of their trainees; trainees from the Federal Republic of Germany are personally responsible for reimbursing for inpatient care provided to their dependents; and all inpatient medical services for trainees from France and their dependents are to be borne by the individual trainee.
(2) Elective and definitive surgery. The overall policy with respect to elective and definitive surgery for Security Assistance Training Program (SATP), Foreign Military Sales (FMS) personnel and their dependents is that conservatism will at all times prevail, except bona fide emergency situations which might threaten the life or health of an individual. Generally, elective care is not authorized nor should be started. However, when a commanding officer of a naval MTF considers such care necessary to the early resumption and completion of training, submit the complete facts to the Chief of Naval Operations (OP-63) for approval. Include the patient's name (sponsor's also if patient is an ITO authorized dependent), grade or rate, country of origin, diagnosis, type of elective care being sought, and prognosis.
(3) Prior to entering training. Upon arrival of an SATP or FMS trainee in the United States or at an overseas training site, it is discovered that the trainee cannot qualify for training by reason of a physical or mental condition which will require a significant amount of treatment before entering or completing training, return such trainees to their home country immediately or as soon thereafter as travel permits.
(4) After entering training. When trainees require hospitalization or are disabled after entering a course of training, return them to their home country as soon as practicable when, in the opinion of the commanding officer of the medical facility, hospitalization or disability will prevent training for a period in excess of 30 days. Forward a copy of the patient's clinical records with the patient. When a trainee is accepted for treatment that is not expected to exceed 30 days, notify the commanding officer of the training acvitity. Further, when a trainee is scheduled for consecutive training sessions convening prior to the expected data of release from a naval MTF, make the next scheduled training activity an information addressee. Upon release from the MTF, direct such trainees to resume training.
(b) Care authorized. Generally, all SATP and FMS personnel and their ITO authorized dependents are entitled to care to the same extent. However, certain agreements require that they be charged differently and that certain exclusions apply.
(1) NATO members and their ITO authorized dependents--(i) Foreign military sales (FMS). Subject to reimbursement per Sec. 728.46, FMS personnel of NATO nations who are in the United States or at U.S. Armed Forces installations outside the United States and their accompanying ITO authorized dependents will be provided medical and dental care in naval MTFs to the same extent and under the same conditions as comparable United States military personnel and their dependents except that:
(i) Foreign military sales (FMS). Subject to reimbursement per Sec. 728.46, FMS personnel of NATO nations who are in the United States or at U.S. Armed Forces installations outside the United States and their accompanying ITO authorized dependents will be provided medical and dental care in naval MTFs to the same extent and under the same conditions as comparable United States military personnel and their dependents except that:
(A) Dependent dental care is not authorized.
(B) Dependents are not authorized cooperative care under CHAMPUS.
(ii) International military education and training (IMET). Subject to reimbursement for inpatient care at the appropriate IMET rate for members or at the full reimbursement rate for dependents, IMET personnel of NATO nations who are in the United States or at U.S. Armed Forces installations outside the United States and accompanying dependents will be provided medical and dental care in naval MTFs to the same extent and under the same conditions as comparable United States military personnel and their dependents except that:
(A) Dependent dental care is not authorized.
(B) Dependents are not authorized cooperative care under CHAMPUS.
(2) Other foreign members and ITO authorized dependents--(i) Foreign military sales. Subject to reimbursement by the trainee or the trainee's government for both inpatient and outpatient care at the full reimbursement rate, FMS personnel of non-NATO nations and ITO authorized accompanying dependents may be provided medical and dental care on a space available basis when facilities and staffing permit except that:
(i) Foreign military sales. Subject to reimbursement by the trainee or the trainee's government for both inpatient and outpatient care at the full reimbursement rate, FMS personnel of non-NATO nations and ITO authorized accompanying dependents may be provided medical and dental care on a space available basis when facilities and staffing permit except that:
(A) Prosthetic devices, hearing aids, orthopedic footwear, and similar adjuncts are not authorized.
(B) Spectacles may be furnished when required to enable trainees to perform their assigned duties, Provided the required spectacles are not available through civilian sources.
(C) Dental care is limited to emergency situations for the military member and is not authorized for dependents.
(D) Dependents are not authorized cooperative care under CHAMPUS.
(ii) International military education and training. Subject to reimbursement for both inpatient and outpatient care at the appropriate rates for members and dependents, IMET personnel of non-NATO nations may be provided medical and dental care on a space available basis when facilities and staffing permit except that:
(A) Prosthetic devices, hearing aids, orthopedic footwear, and similar adjuncts are not authorized.
(B) spectacles may be furnished when required to enable trainees to perform their assigned duties, Provided the required spectacles are not available through civilian sources.
(C) Dental care is limited to emergency situations for military members and is not authorized for dependents.
(D) Dependents are not authorized cooperative care under CHAMPUS.
(c) Application for care. Trainees and accompanying dependents will present official U.S. identification or orders verifying their status when applying for care. If any doubt exists as to the extent of care authorized, ITOs should be screened (see paragraph (a)(1) of this section).
(d) Notification. When trainees require hospitalization as a result of illness or injury prior to or after entering training, the training activity (the hospital if patient has been admitted) will make a message report through the normal chain of command to the Chief of Naval Operations (OP-63) with information copies to MAAG, COMNAV MEDCOM, Navy International Logistics Control Office (NAVIL CO), Unified Commander, the affected office, and the foreign naval attache concerned. Include details of the incident, estimated period of hospitalization, physical or mental condition of the patient, and diagnosis. For further amplification, see OPNAVINST 4950.1H and NAVCOMPTMAN 032103.