Unless otherwise qualified in this part the following terms when used throughout are defined as follows:
(a) Active duty. Full-time duty in the active military service of the United States. Includes full-time training duty; annual training duty; and attendance, while in the active military service, at a school designated as a service school by law or by the Secretary of the military department concerned.
(b) Active duty for training. A specified tour of active duty for Reserves for training under orders that provides for automatic reversion to non-active duty status when the specified period of active duty is completed. It includes annual training, special tours, and the initial tour performed by enlistees without prior military service. The period of duty includes travel to and from training duty, not in excess of the allowable constructive travel time prescribed by SECNAVINST 1770.3 and paragraphs 10242 and 10243 of DOD Military Pay and Allowances Entitlements Manual.
(c) Constructive return. For purposes of medical and dental care, an unathorized absentee's return to military control may be accomplished through notification of appropriate military authorities as outlined below.
(1) For members in an unauthorized absentee (UA) status, constructive return to military control for the purpose of providing medical or dental care at Navy expense is effected when one of the following has occurred:
(i) A naval activity informs a civilian provider of medical or dental care that the Navy accepts responsibility for a naval member's care. The naval activity providing this information must also provide documentation of such notification to the appropriate adjudication authority in Sec. 732.20.
(ii) A member has been apprehended by civil authorities at the specific request of naval authorities and naval authorities have been notified that the member can be released to military custody.
(iii) A naval member has been arrested, while in a UA status, by civil authorities for a civil offense and a naval authority has been notified that the member can be released to military control.
(2) When a naval member has been arrested by civil authorities for a civil offense while in a UA status and the offense does not allow release to military control, constructive return is not accomplished. The individual is responsible for medical and dental care received prior to arrest and the incarcerating jurisdiction is responsible for care required after arrest.
(d) Designated Uniformed Services Treatment Facilities (Designated USTFs). Under Pub. L. 97-99, the following facilities are ``designated USTFs'' for the purpose of rendering medical and dental care to all categories of individuals entitled to care under this part.
(1) Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word Health Care System, 6400 Lawndale, Houston, TX 77058 (713) 928-2931 operates the following facilities:
(i) St. John Hospital, 2050 Space Park Drive, Nassau Bay, TX 77058, telephone (713) 333-5503. Inpatient and outpatient services.
(ii) St. Mary's Hospital Outpatient Clinic, 404 St Mary's Boulevard, Galveston, TX 77550, telephone (409) 763-5301. Outpatient services only.
(iii) St. Joseph Hospital Ambulatory Care Center, 1919 La Branch, Houston, TX 77002, telephone (713) 757-1000. Outpatient services only.
(iv) St Mary's Hospital Ambulatory Care Center, 3600 Gates Boulevard, Port Arthur, TX 77640 (409) 985-7431. Outpatient services only.
(2) Inpatient and outpatient services. (i) Wyman Park Health System, Inc., 3100 Wyman Park Drive, Baltimore, MD 21211, telephone (301) 338-3693.
(i) Wyman Park Health System, Inc., 3100 Wyman Park Drive, Baltimore, MD 21211, telephone (301) 338-3693.
(ii) Alston-Brighton Aid and Health Group, Inc., Brighton Marine Public Health Center, 77 Warren Street, Boston, MA 02135, telephone (617) 782-3400.
(iii) Bayley Seton Hospital, Bay Street and Vanderbilt Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10304, telephone (718) 390-5547 or 6007.
(iv) Pacific Medical Center, 1200 12th Avenue South, Seattle, WA 98144, telephone (206) 326-4100.
(3) Outpatient services only. (i) Coastal Health Service, 331 Veranda Street, Portland, ME 04103 (207) 774-5805.
(i) Coastal Health Service, 331 Veranda Street, Portland, ME 04103 (207) 774-5805.
(ii) Lutheran Medical Center, Downtown Health Care Services, 1313 Superior Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44113, telephone (216) 363-2065.
(e) Duty status. The situation of the claimant when maternity, medical, or dental care is received. Members, including reservists, on leave or liberty are considered in a duty status. Reservists, performing active duty for training or inactive duty training, are also considered in a duty status during their allowable constructive travel time to and from training.
(f) Emergency care. Medical treatment of severe life threatening or potentially disabling conditions which result from accident or illness of sudden onset and necessitates immediate intervention to prevent undue pain and suffering or loss of life, limb, or eyesight and dental treatment of painful or acute conditions.
(g) Federal facilities. Navy, Army, Air Force, Coast Guard, Veterans Administration, and USTFs (former U.S. Public Health Service facilities listed in Sec. 732.11(d).
(h) Inactive duty training. Duty prescribed for Reserves by the Secretary of the Navy under Section 206 of Title 37, United States Code, or any other provision of law. Also includes special additional duties authorized for Reserves by an authority designated by the Secretary of the Navy and performed by Reserves on a voluntary basis in connection with the prescribed training or maintenance activities of units to which they are assigned.
(i) Maternity emergency. A condition commencing or exacerbating during pregnancy when delay caused by referral to a uniformed services medical treatment facility (USMTF) or designated USTF would jeopardize the welfare of the mother or unborn child.
(j) Member. United States Navy and Marine Corps personnel, Department of National Defence of Canada Navy and Marine Corps personnel, and Navy and Marine Corps personnel of other NATO Nations meeting the requirements for care under this part.
(k) Non-federal care. Maternity, medical, or dental care furnished by civilian sources (includes State, local, and foreign MTFs).
(l) Nonnaval care. Maternity, medical, or dental care provided by other than Navy MTFs. Includes care in other USMTFs, designated USTFs, VA facilities, as well as from civilian sources.
(m) Office of Medical Affairs (OMA) or Office of Dental Affairs (ODA). Designated offices, under program management control of COMNAVMEDCOM and direct control of regional medical commands, responsible for administrative requirements delineated in this part. Responsibilities and functional tasks of OMAs and ODAs are outlined in NAVMEDCOMINST 6010.3.
(n) Prior approval. Permission granted for a specific episode of necessary but nonemergent maternity, medical, or dental care.
(o) Reservist. A member of the Naval or Marine Corps Reserve.
(p) Supplemental care--(1) Operation and maintenance funds, Navy. Supplemental care of all uniformed services members, at Navy expense, encompasses only inpatient or outpatient care augmenting the capability of a naval MTF treating a member. Such care is usually obtained from civilian sources through referral by the treating naval MTF. If a member, authorized care under this part, is admitted to or is being treated on an outpatient basis at any USMTF, all supplemental care is the financial responsibility of that facility regardless of whether the facility is organized or authorized to provide needed health care. The cost of such care is chargeable to operation and maintenance funds (OM&N;) available for operation of the USMTF requesting the care regardless of service affiliation of the member (see part 728 of this chapter for such care under Navy Medical Department facilities).
(1) Operation and maintenance funds, Navy. Supplemental care of all uniformed services members, at Navy expense, encompasses only inpatient or outpatient care augmenting the capability of a naval MTF treating a member. Such care is usually obtained from civilian sources through referral by the treating naval MTF. If a member, authorized care under this part, is admitted to or is being treated on an outpatient basis at any USMTF, all supplemental care is the financial responsibility of that facility regardless of whether the facility is organized or authorized to provide needed health care. The cost of such care is chargeable to operation and maintenance funds (OM&N;) available for operation of the USMTF requesting the care regardless of service affiliation of the member (see part 728 of this chapter for such care under Navy Medical Department facilities).
(2) Nonnaval medical and dental care program funds. Adjudication authorities will pay claims, under this part, for care received as a result of a referral when:
(i) A United States Navy or Marine Corps member or a Canadian Navy or Marine Corps member requires care beyond the capability of the referring USMTF and care is obtained for such a member not admitted to or not being treated on an outpatient basis by a USMTF, and
(ii) The referring USMTF is not organized nor authorized to provide the needed health care.
(3) Other uniformed services supplemental care programs. In addition to services that augment other USMTF's capabilities, supplemental care programs of the other uniformed services include care and services comparable to those authorized by this part, e.g., emergency care and pre-approved nonemergency care.
(q) Unauthorized absence. Absence or departure without authority from a member's command or assigned place of duty.
(r) Uniformed Services Medical Treatment Facilities (USMTF). Health care facilities of the Navy, Army, Air Force, Coast Guard, and the former U.S. Public Health Service facilities listed in paragraph (d) of this section designated as USTFs per DOD and Department of Health and Human Services directives.