Only in a bona fide emergency will medical, maternity, or dental services be obtained under this part by or on behalf of eligible personnel without prior authority as outlined below.
(a) Medical or dental care. A situation where the need or apparent need for medical or dental attention does not permit obtaining approval in advance.
(b) Maternity care. When a condition commences or exacerbates during pregnancy in a manner that a delay, caused by referral to a USMTF or USTF, would jeopardize the welfare of the mother or unborn child, the following constitutes indications for admission to or treatment at a non-Federal facility:
(1) Medical or surgical conditions which would constitute an emergency in the nonpregnant state.
(2) Spontaneous abortion, with first trimester hemorrhage.
(3) Premature or term labor with delivery.
(4) Severe pre-eclampsia.
(5) Hemorrhage, second and third trimester.
(6) Ectopic pregnancy with cardiovascular instability.
(7) Premature rupture of membrames with prolapse of the umbilical cord.
(8) Obstetric sepsis.
(9) Any other obstetrical condition that, by definition, constitutes an emergency circumstance.