(a) A listing of some AFIs that provide guidance on special disclosure procedures for certain types of records is provided in Sec. 806.28. Refer to those instructions for specific disclosure procedures. Remember, the only reason to deny a request is a FOIA exemption.
(b) Refer requests from foreign government officials that do not cite the FOIA to your foreign disclosure office and notify the requester.
(c) If you have a non-U.S. Government record, determine if you need to consult with the record's originator before releasing it (see Sec. 806.9 and Sec. 806.15(c)). This includes records created by foreign governments and organizations such as North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and North American Aerospace Defense (NORAD). You may need to coordinate release of foreign government records with either the U.S. Department of State or with the specific foreign embassy, directly through the MAJCOM FOIA office. Coordinate release or denial of letters of offer and acceptance (LOA) with SAF/IA through 11 CS/SCSR (FOIA), 1000 Air Force Pentagon, Washington DC 20330-1000.