Appointments to fill vacancies from this competitive category are made from candidates in order of merit. Appointments authorized in this category are limited to 65 cadets at the Academy at any one time.
(a) The child of a deceased or disabled member of the Armed Forces of the United States is eligible for nomination if:
(1) The parent was killed in action or died of wounds or injuries received or diseases contracted while in active service or of preexisting injury or disease aggravated by active service; or
(2) The parent has a permanent service-connected disability rated at not less than 100 percent resulting from wounds or injuries received or diseases contracted while in active service, or of preexisting injury or disease aggravated by active service.
(b) The child of a parent who is in ``missing status'' is eligible if the parent is a member of the Armed Services or a civilian employee in active government service who is officially carried or determined to be absent in a status of missing; missing in action; interned in a foreign country; captured, beleaguered, or beseiged by a hostile force; or detained in a foreign country against the person's will.
(c) To request a nomination in this category, an individual submits an application to USAFA/RRS between May 1 and January 31. A suggested letter format is included in the precandidate packet.
Note: For the purpose of this category, children are defined as the natural children of a parent and adopted children whose adoption proceedings were initiated before the 15th birthday.