Appointment of candidates is according to Sec. 901.18. Selecting of the charged cadets from the nominees for each vacancy is accomplished as follows:
(a) Principal nominee, numbered-alternate method. Principal, if meeting the admission criteria, is appointed and charged. Otherwise the 1st alternate, if meeting the admission criteria, is appointed and charged or the next succeeding numbered alternate who meets the admission criteria is appointed and charged. In instances where a candidate received two principal nominations from two Congressional sources, the principal normally is charged to the Member of Congress submitting the principal nomination first.
(b) Principal nominee, competitive-alternate method. Principal, if meeting the admission criteria, is appointed and charged. All alternates are ranked according to merit. If the principal does not meet admission criteria, the highest ranking alternate is appointed and charged.
(c) Competitive nominee method. The group of competitive nominees are evaluated, ranked according to merit, and the highest-ranked nominee, if meeting the admission criteria, is appointed and charged.
(d) Multiple Congressional nominations. For candidates receiving numerous nominations, normally the candidate is charged to the congressional source. If the candidate is nominated by several congressional sources, the candidate normally is charged to the slate of the congressional member where the candidate ranks the highest, unless the candidate is the principal nominee or a numbered alternate.
(e) Other sources of nomination. All other candidates not nominated by congressional, Vice-Presidential, or U.S. Possessions who are appointed are charged to that nominating source (Presidential, AFJROTC, AFROTC, CODDV, Medal of Honor, etc.).
(f) Qualified alternates. To bring the Cadet Wing up to strength, the qualified alternate appointed according to Sec. 901.19 is charged to the Secretary of the Air Force as a qualified alternate. Those candidates having congressional, Vice-Presidential, or U.S. Possessions nominations appear as a qualified alternate for that nominating source.
(g) Multiple congressional and other sources of nominations. For appointees who have multiple nominations, USAFA/RRS determines the appointment category to which they are assigned. Normally a cadet with both congressional and non-congressional nominations is assigned to a congressional authority. Designation of ``charged'' cadets (those filling a Vice-Presidential, congressional, or U.S. Possessions quota) also is accomplished by USAFA/RRS according to Sec. 901.18. USAFA/RRS notifies HQ USAF/DPPA of these assignments which are audited and verified by HQ USAF/DPPA. The Vice Presidential and nominating authorities in Congress and U.S. Possessions are notified of their charged appointees and other nominees who win appointments by HQ USAF/DPPA.