(a) Mission. To motivate, prepare, and evaluate selected candidates in an educational, military, moral, and physical environment, to perform successfully and enhance diversity at USAFA.
(b) Responsibilities:
(1) Superintendent, USAFA (HQ USAFA/CC). Ensures adequate oversight of HQ USAFA/PL activities, administration, and resources. Means of oversight include but are not limited to:
(i) United States Air Force Academy Instruction (USAFAI) 36-3502, USAFA Assessment Board.
(ii) The Preparatory School Advisory Committee, as established in USAFAI 36-2013, Superintendent's Preparatory School Advisory Committee of the USAF Academy Preparatory School.
(iii) Annual Assessment, as established in Department of Defense (DoD) Directive 1322.22, Service Academies.
(iv) Audits, Eagle Looks, and Unit Compliance Inspections.
(v) Special reviews and investigations as directed by HQ USAF.
(vi) USAFA Board of Visitors (BoV).
(2) HQ USAFA/PL Commander:
(i) Ensures the education and training programs satisfy the school's mission.
(ii) Informs HQ USAFA/RR of candidates' names, including essential categories, when each class enters.
(iii) Administers the disenrollment process. Notifies the Headquarters USAFA Superintendent (HQ USAFA/CC), and HQ USAFA/RR of all disenrollments.
(iv) Responsible, along with ARPC, for administering the oath of enlistment on the date of inprocessing. The effective date of enlistment is the date the applicant took the oath.
(3) Air Reserve Personnel Center (ARPC):
(i) Receives DD Form 1966, Record of Military Processing-Armed Forces of the United States, from select candidates upon inprocessing.
(ii) Reviews the DD Form 1966 for completion/acceptance.
(iii) Completes the DD Form 4, Enlistment/Reenlistment Document Armed Forces of the United States, if DD Form 1966 is in order.
(iv) Responsible, along with USAFA/PL, for administering the oath of enlistment on the date of inprocessing. The effective date of enlistment is the date the applicant took the oath.
(v) Publishes reserve orders placing applicant on active duty for the purpose of attending Preparatory school. Preparatory school determines the date of call to active duty (usually date administered the oath). ARPC provides copies of orders to MPF on the date of inprocessing.
(4) 10th Mission Support Squadron Military Personnel (10 MSS/DPM):
(i) Ensures Regular and Reserve Air Force personnel reassigned to the HQ USAFA/PL enter with the highest grade they had achieved as of their date of enrollment and retain their date of rank or effective date.
(ii) Maintains records on Cadet Candidates.
(iii) Processes separation orders for non-prior service members who complete the HQ USAFA/PL and accept an appointment to a U.S. Service Academy.
(iv) Prepares discharge orders for non-prior service members who are disenrolled or do not accept appointment to a U.S. Service Academy.
(v) Issues ID cards.
(5) Headquarters USAFA Admissions (HQ USAFA/RR):
(i) Notifies cadet candidates of their acceptance into HQ USAFA/PL. Includes an accept-or-decline form with acceptance letter and asks cadet candidates to return the form as soon as possible.
(ii) Issues ``Invitation to Travel'' letters to all accepted cadet candidates (including civilians, reservist and members of other services) inviting them to travel to the HQ USAFA/PL, enlist in the Air Force Reserve (if necessary), and attend the HQ USAFA/PL.
(iii) Sends a notice to non-selected service personnel and their servicing Military Personnel Flight (MPF). Note: The Air Force does not typically notify civilian applicants of their non-selection.
(iv) Provides 10 MSS/DPMA with the name, grade, social security number, mailing address, and unit of assignment for reassignment of all applicants on Air Force active duty who are accepted into HQ USAFA/PL.
(v) Sends DODMERB a data file listing all applicants that need a medical examination. DODMERB uses the data file to schedule necessary exams.
(6) Unit commanders of all Regular and Reserve Component Air Force personnel applying to the HQ USAFA/PL:
(i) Review each applicant's completed AF Form 1786, Application for Appointment to the United States Air Force Academy Under Quota Allotted to Enlisted Members of the Regular and Reserve Components of the Air Force, and determine if the applicant meets eligibility requirements.
(ii) Forward an endorsement of all applicants who meet eligibility requirements, together with AF Form 1786, through the MPF to: Headquarters USAFA Admission Selections (HQ USAFA/RRS), 2304 Cadet Drive, USAF Academy CO 80840-5025. The endorsement must include a comprehensive statement of the applicant's character, ability, and motivation to become a career officer. Verify statements in applications regarding service component, length of service, and date of birth from official records.
(iii) Notify HQ USAFA/RR immediately on determining that an applicant is no longer recommended for selection to the HQ USAFA/PL.
(7) Unit commanders of Regular or Reserve members of the Army, Navy, or Marine Corps and unit commanders of Army or Air National Guard members:
(i) Accept letters of application to the HQ USAFA/PL from unit personnel.
(ii) Complete an endorsement for all applicants who meet the eligibility requirements. Include in the endorsement a comprehensive statement of the applicant's character, ability, and motivation to become a career officer. Verify statements in applications regarding service component, length of service, and date of birth from official records. Send the endorsement and letter of application to HQ USAFA/RRS, 2304 Cadet Drive, USAF Academy CO 80840-5025.
(iii) Ensure that each applicant receives a release from active duty to attend the HQ USAFA/PL before sending the endorsement. In order to facilitate the accession of a National Guard (Air or Army) member into USAFA or HQ USAFA/PL, a DD Form 368, Request for Conditional Release, or AF Form 1288, Application for Ready Reserve Assignment, should be accomplished and forwarded to the losing Military Personnel Flight (MPF) service for out-processing. Once the member has enlisted the 10 MSS/DPM will contact the losing MPF. A copy of the DD Form 4 and orders will be provided to the losing ANG MPF by fax. In turn, the losing MPF will project the member's record in MilPDS based on the gaining PAS provided by the 10 MSS/DPM.
(iv) Notify HQ USAFA/RR immediately on determining that an applicant is no longer recommended for selection to the HQ USAFA/PL.