(a) In accordance with AFI 36-3208, the Commander, HQ USAFA/PL, may disenroll a student who:
(1) Fails to meet and maintain HQ USAFA/PL educational, military, character, or physical fitness standards.
(2) Fails to demonstrate adaptability and suitability for participation in USAFA educational, military, character, or physical training programs.
(3) Displays unsatisfactory conduct.
(4) Fails to meet statutory requirements for admission to the USAFA, for example:
(i) Marriage or acquiring legal dependents.
(ii) Medical disqualification.
(iii) Refusal to serve as a commissioned officer in the U.S. Armed Forces.
(5) Requests disenrollment.
(b) The HQ USAFA/PL commander may also disenroll a student when it is determined that the student's retention is not in the best interest of the Government.
(c) The military personnel flight (10 MSS/DPM) processes Regular Air Force members for reassignment if:
(1) They are disenrolled from the HQ USAFA/PL.
(2) They fail to obtain or accept an appointment to a U.S. Service Academy.
(d) The Air Force reassigns Air Force Reserve cadet candidates who are disenrolled from the HQ USAFA/PL or who fail to obtain or accept an appointment to an U.S. Service Academy in either of two ways under AFI 36-3208:
(1) Discharges them from the United States Air Force without any further military obligation if they were called to active duty solely to attend the HQ USAFA/PL.
(2) Releases them from active duty and reassigns them to the Air Force Reserve Personnel Center if they were released from Reserve units to attend the HQ USAFA/PL.
(e) The National Guard (Army or Air Force) releases cadet candidates from active duty and reassigns them to their State Adjutant General.
(f) The Air Force reassigns Regular and Reserve personnel from other Services back to their unit of origin to complete any prior service obligation if:
(1) They are disenrolled from the HQ USAFA/PL.
(2) They fail to obtain or accept an appointment to the USAFA.