(a) Regulated Area. A regulated area is established to include all waters of the Calumet Sag Channel from the South Halstead Street Bridge at 41[deg]39[min]27[sec] N, 087[deg]38[min]29[sec] W; to the Crawford Avenue Bridge at 41[deg]39[min]05[sec] N, 087[deg]43[min]08[sec] W; and the Little Calumet River from the Ashland Avenue Bridge at 41[deg]39[min]07[sec] N, 087[deg]39[min]38[sec] W; to the junction of the Calumet Sag Channel. (DATUM: NAD 83).
(b) Special Local Regulations. The regulations of Sec. 100.901 apply. No vessel may enter, transit through, or anchor within the regulated area without the permission of the Coast Guard Patrol Commander.
(c) Enforcement Period. This section will be enforced annually on the Saturday immediately prior to the first Sunday of November, from 3 p.m. until 5 p.m. and the first Sunday of November, from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. [USCG-2008-0031, 73 FR 39235, July 9, 2008]