(a) Regulated Area. A regulated area is established to include all waters of Lake St. Clair in an area bound by the coordinates starting at the cannon firing position located at 42[deg]32.5[min] N; 082[deg]40.1[min] W extending west to the Old Channel Light located at position 42[deg]32.5[min] N; 082[deg]41.6[min] W angling northeast to position 42[deg]33.5[min] N; 082[deg]40.6[min] W then angling southeast to the point of origin creating a triangle shaped safety zone. (NAD 83). This area is near the southern end of Harsens Island in Muscamoot Bay.
(b) Special Local Regulations. The regulations of Sec. 100.901 apply. No vessel may enter, transit through, or anchor within the regulated area without the permission of the Coast Guard Patrol Commander.
(c) Enforcement Period: The third week in October. The exact dates and times for this event will be determined annually. [USCG-2008-0220, 73 FR 41264, July 18, 2008]