At all MARSEC Levels, in coordination with a vessel moored at the facility, the facility owner or operator must ensure the following security measures:
(a) Screen all persons, baggage, and personal effects for dangerous substances and devices;
(b) Check the identification of all persons seeking to enter the facility. Persons holding a TWIC shall be checked as set forth in this part. For persons not holding a TWIC, this check includes confirming the reason for boarding by examining passenger tickets, boarding passes, government identification or visitor badges, or work orders;
(c) Designate holding, waiting, or embarkation areas within the facility's secure area to segregate screened persons and their personal effects awaiting embarkation from unscreened persons and their personal effects;
(d) Provide additional security personnel to designated holding, waiting, or embarkation areas within the facility's secure area; and
(e) Deny individuals not holding a TWIC access to secure and restricted areas unless escorted. [USCG-2006-24196, 72 FR 3585, Jan. 25, 2007]