The following requirements apply to all drawbridges across the Delaware River:
(a) The draws of railroad bridges need not be opened when there is a train in the bridge block approaching the bridge with the intention of crossing, or within five minutes of the known time of the passage of a scheduled passenger train.
(b) The opening of a bridge may not be delayed more than five minutes for a highway bridge or 10 minutes for a railroad bridge, after the signal to open is given.
(c) The owners of drawbridges shall provide and keep in good legible condition two board gages painted white with black figures not less than six inches high to indicate the vertical clearance under the closed draw at all stages of the tide. The gages shall be so placed on the bridge that they are plainly visible to operators of vessels approaching the bridge either up or downstream. [CGD 82-025, 49 FR 43460, Oct. 29, 1984]