(a) Unless a plan for your passenger terminal will be submitted by an entity other than yourself under Sec. 128.305 or Sec. 120.303 of this chapter, you must submit two copies of each Terminal Security Plan required by Sec. 128.300 to the COTP for examination at least 60 days before transferring passengers to or from a vessel subject to part 120 of this chapter.
(b) If the COTP finds that the Terminal Security Plan meets the requirements of Sec. 128.300, he or she will return a copy to you marked ``Examined by the Coast Guard.''
(c) If the COTP finds that the Terminal Security Plan does not meet the requirements of Sec. 128.300, he or she will return the Plan with an explanation of why it does not meet them.
(d) No terminal subject to this part may transfer passengers to or from a passenger vessel subject to part 120 of this chapter, unless it holds either a Terminal Security Plan that we have examined or a letter from the COTP stating that we are currently reviewing the Plan and that normal operations may continue until the COTP has determined whether the Plan meets the requirements of Sec. 128.300. [CGD 91-012, 63 FR 53592, Oct. 6, 1998]