The Commandant (CG-5P), in cooperation with MARAD, processes each application and MARAD publishes the notice of application under 33 U.S.C. 1504(c) in the Federal Register. Upon publication of a notice of application, the Commandant (CG-5P) ensures delivery of copies of the application to--
(a) Each Federal agency with jurisdiction over any aspect of ownership, construction, or operation of deepwater ports. A complete listing of the Federal agencies involved with deepwater port licensing is outlined in the Deepwater Port Interagency MOU available at the following hyperlink: white--house--task--force--energy-- streamlining.pdf.
(b) Each Adjacent Coastal State, including relevant State and tribal agencies in those Adjacent Coastal States. [USCG-1998-3884, 71 FR 57651, Sept. 29, 2006, as amended by USCG-2013-0397, 78 FR 39176, July 1, 2013]