In accordance with Sec. 148.715(b) of this part, the deepwater port proposal and reasonable alternatives will be evaluated on the basis of how well they:
(a) Reflect the use of best available technology in design, construction procedures, operations, and decommissioning;
(b) Include safeguards, backup systems, procedures, and response plans to minimize the possibility and consequences of pollution incidents such as spills and discharges, while permitting safe operation with appropriate safety margins under maximum operating loads and the most adverse operating conditions;
(c) Provide for safe, legal, and environmentally sound waste disposal, resource recovery, affected area reclamation, and enhanced use of spoil and waste;
(d) Avoid permanent interference with natural processes or features that are important to natural currents and wave patterns;
(e) Avoid groundwater drawdown or saltwater intrusion, and minimizes mixing salt, fresh, and brackish waters;
(f) Avoid disrupting natural sheet flow, water flow, and drainage patterns or systems;
(g) Avoid interference with biotic populations, especially breeding habitats or migration routes;
(h) Maximize use of existing facilities;
(i) Provide personnel trained in oil spill prevention at critical locations identified in the accident analysis;
(j) Provide personnel trained in oil spill mitigation; and
(k) Plan for safe and effective removal of the deepwater port in the event of its decommissioning. [USCG-1998-3884, 71 FR 57651, Sept. 29, 2006, as amended by USCG-2013-0397, 78 FR 39178, July 1, 2013]