(a) Unless a ship is entering under force majeure, no oceangoing tanker or any other oceangoing ship of 400 gross tons or more required by Sec. 151.10 to retain oil, oil residue, or oily mixtures on board while at sea, and no oceangoing ship carrying a Category A, B, or C NLS cargo or NLS residue in cargo tanks that are required to be prewashed under 46 CFR Part 153, may enter any port or terminal under Sec. 158.110(a) of this chapter unless the port or terminal has a Certificate of Adequacy, as defined in Sec. 158.120 of this chapter.
(b) A COTP may deny the entry of a ship to a port or terminal under Sec. 158.110(b) if--
(1) The port or terminal does not have a Certificate of Adequacy, as required in Sec. 158.135 of this chapter; or
(2) The port or terminal is not in compliance with the requirements of subpart D of part 158. [CGD 88-002, 54 FR 18404, Apr. 28, 1989, as amended by USCG-2000-7641, 66 FR 55570, Nov. 2, 2001]
Oil Pollution
Source: Sections 151.09 through 151.25 appear by CGD 75-124a, 48 FR 45709, Oct. 6, 1983, unless otherwise noted.