The following is a list of Category C and D Oil-like NLSs that the Coast Guard allows to be carried:
(a) The following Category C oil-like NLSs may be carried: Aviation alkylatesCycloheptaneCyclohexaneCyclopentanep-CymeneEthylcyclohexaneHeptane (all isomers)Heptene (all isomers)Hexane (all isomers)Hexene (all isomers)iso-PropylcyclohexaneMethyl cyclohexane2-Methyl-1-pentene, see Hexene (all isomers)Nonane (all isomers)Octane (all isomers)Olefin mixtures (C5-C7)Pentane (all isomers)Pentene (all isomers)1-Phenyl-1-xylylethanePropylene dimerTetrahydronaphthaleneTolueneXylenes
(b) [Reserved] [CGD 85-010, 52 FR 7759, Mar. 12, 1987, as amended by CGD 88-100a, 54 FR 40001, Sept. 29, 1989; 55 FR 17269, Apr. 24, 1990; CGD 92-100a, 59 FR 16987, Apr. 11, 1994; CGD 94-901, 59 FR 45148, Aug. 31, 1994; CGD 95-901, 60 FR 34039, June 29, 1995; USCG 2000-7079, 65 FR 67157, Nov. 8, 2000; USCG-2008-0179, 73 FR 35014, June 19, 2008]
Garbage Pollution and Sewage
Source: Sections 151.51 through 151.77 and Appendix A appear by CGD 88-002, 54 FR 18405, Apr. 28, 1989, unless otherwise noted.