(a) The plan must be written in English.
(b) A response plan must be divided into the sections listed in this paragraph and formatted in the order specified herein unless noted otherwise. It must also have some easily found marker identifying each section listed below. The following are the sections and subsections of a facility response plan:
(1) Introduction and plan contents.
(2) Emergency response action plan:
(i) Notification procedures.
(ii) Facility's spill mitigation procedures.
(iii) Facility's response activities.
(iv) Fish and wildlife and sensitive environments.
(v) Disposal plan.
(3) Training and Exercises:
(i) Training procedures.
(ii) Exercise procedures.
(4) Plan review and update procedures.
(5) Appendices.
(i) Facility-specific information.
(ii) List of contacts.
(iii) Equipment lists and records.
(iv) Communications plan.
(v) Site-specific safety and health plan.
(vi) List of acronyms and definitions.
(vii) A geographic-specific appendix for each zone in which a mobile facility operates.
(c) The required contents for each section and subsection of the plan are contained in Secs. 154.1035, 154.1040, and 154.1041, as appropriate.
(d) The sections and subsections of response plans submitted to the COTP must contain at a minimum all the information required in Secs. 154.1035, 154.1040, and 154.1041, as appropriate. It may contain other appropriate sections, subsections, or information that are required by other Federal, State, and local agencies.
(e) For initial and subsequent submission, a plan that does not follow the format specified in paragraph (b) of this section must be supplemented with a detailed cross-reference section to identify the location of the applicable sections required by this subpart.
(f) The information contained in a response plan must be consistent with the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP) (40 CFR part 300) and the Area Contingency Plan(s) (ACP) covering the area in which the facility operates. Facility owners or operators shall ensure that their response plans are in accordance with the ACP in effect 6 months prior to initial plan submission or the annual plan review required under Sec. 154.1065(a). Facility owners or operators are not required to, but may at their option, conform to an ACP which is less than 6 months old at the time of plan submission.