(a) The operator of a facility shall submit two copies of the Operations Manual to the Captain of the Port of the zone in which the facility is located.
(b) Not less than 60 days prior to any transfer operation, the operator of a new facility shall submit, with the letter of intent, two copies of the Operations Manual to the Captain of the Port of the zone in which the facility is located.
(c) After a facility is removed from caretaker status, not less than 30 days prior to any transfer operation the operator of that facility shall submit two copies of the Operations Manual to the COTP of the zone in which the facility is located unless the manual has been previously examined and no changes have been made since the examination.
(d) If the COTP finds that the Operations Manual meets the requirements of this part and part 156 of this chapter, the COTP will return one copy of the manual to the operator marked ``Examined by the Coast Guard''.
(e) If the COTP finds that the Operations Manual does not meet the requirements of this part and/or part 156 of this chapter, the COTP will return the manuals with an explanation of why it does not meet the requirements of this chapter.
(f) No person may use any Operations Manual for transfer operations as required by this chapter unless the Operations Manual has been examined by the COTP.
(g) The Operations Manual is voided if the facility operator--
(1) Amends the Operations Manual without following the procedures in Sec. 154.320 of this part;
(2) Fails to amend the Operations Manual when required by the COTP; or
(3) Notifies the COTP in writing that the facility will be placed in caretaker status. [CGD 93-056, 61 FR 41459, Aug. 8, 1996]