(a) A Center may: (1) Direct a vessel to provide any of the information set forth in Table 161.18(a) (IMO Standard Ship Reporting System);
Table 161.18(a)--The IMO Standard Ship Reporting System------------------------------------------------------------------------
A ALPHA............ Ship............. Name, call sign or
ship station
identity, and flag.
B BRAVO............ Dates and time of A 6 digit group giving
event. day of month (first
two digits), hours
and minutes (last
four digits). If
other than UTC state
time zone used.C CHARLIE.......... Position......... A 4 digit group giving
latitude in degrees
and minutes suffixed
with N (north) or S
(south) and a 5 digit
group giving
longitude in degrees
and minutes suffixed
with E (east) or W
(west); or.D DELTA............ Position......... True bearing (first 3
digits) and distance
(state distance) in
nautical miles from a
clearly identified
landmark (state
landmark).E ECHO............. True course...... A 3 digit group.F FOXTROT.......... Speed in knots A 3 digit group.
and tenths of
knots.G GOLF............. Port of Departure Name of last port of
call.H HOTEL............ Date, time and Entry time expressed
point of entry as in (B) and into
system. the entry position
expressed as in (C)
or (D).I INDIA............ Destination and Name of port and date
expected time of time group expressed
arrival. as in (B).J JULIET........... Pilot............ State whether a deep
sea or local pilot is
on board.K KILO............. Date, time and Exit time expressed as
point of exit in (B) and exit
from system. position expressed as
in (C) or (D).L LIMA............. Route information Intended track.M MIKE............. Radio............ State in full names of
guarded.N NOVEMBER......... Time of next Date time group
report. expressed as in (B).O OSCAR............ Maximum present 4 digit group giving
static draught meters and
in meters. centimeters.P PAPA............. Cargo on board... Cargo and brief
details of any
dangerous cargoes as
well as harmful
substances and gases
that could endanger
persons or the
environment.Q QUEBEC........... Defects, damage, Brief detail of
deficiencies or defects, damage,
limitations. deficiencies or other
limitations.R ROMEO............ Description of Brief details of type
pollution or of pollution (oil,
dangerous goods chemicals, etc) or
lost. dangerous goods lost
overboard; position
expressed as in (C)
or (D).S SIERRA........... Weather Brief details of
conditions. weather and sea
prevailing.T TANGO............ Ship's Details of name and
representative particulars of ship's
and/or owner. representative and/or
owner for provision
of information.U UNIFORM.......... Ship size and Details of length,
type. breadth, tonnage, and
type, etc., as
required.V VICTOR........... Medical personnel Doctor, physician's
assistant, nurse, no
medic.W WHISKEY.......... Total number of State number.
persons on board.X XRAY............. Miscellaneous.... Any other information
as appropriate.
[i.e., a detailed
description of a
planned operation,
which may include:
its duration;
effective area; any
restrictions to
procedures for
approaching vessels;
in addition, for a
towing operation:
configuration, length
of the tow, available
horsepower, etc.; for
a dredge or floating
plant: configuration
of pipeline, mooring
configuration, number
of assist vessels,
(2) Establish other means of reporting for those vessels unable to report on the designated frequency; or
(3) Require reports from a vessel in sufficient time to allow advance vessel traffic planning.
(b) All reports required by this part shall be made as soon as is practicable on the frequency designated in Table 161.12(c) (VTS and VMRS Centers, Call Signs/MMSI, Designated Frequencies, and Monitoring Areas).
(c) When not exchanging communications, a VMRS User must maintain a listening watch as described in Sec. 26.04(e) of this chapter on the frequency designated in Table 161.12(c) (VTS and VMRS Centers, Call Signs/MMSI, Designated Frequencies, and Monitoring Areas). In addition, the VMRS User must respond promptly when hailed and communicate in the English language.
Note: As stated in 47 CFR 80.148(b), a VHF watch on Channel 16 (156.800 MHz) is not required on vessels subject to the Vessel Bridge-to-Bridge Radiotelephone Act and participating in a Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) system when the watch is maintained on both the vessel bridge-to-bridge frequency and a designated VTS frequency.
(d) A vessel must report:
(1) Any significant deviation from its Sailing Plan, as defined in Sec. 161.19, or from previously reported information; or
(2) Any intention to deviate from a VTS issued measure or vessel traffic routing system.
(e) When reports required by this part include time information, such information shall be given using the local time zone in effect and the 24-hour military clock system. [CGD 90-020, 59 FR 36324, July 15, 1994, as amended by USCG-2003-14757, 68 FR 39366, July 1, 2003]