(a) Each vessel calling at a port in the continental United States, including Alaska south of Cape Prince of Wales, except each vessel owned or bareboat chartered and operated by the United States, or by a state or its political subdivision, or by a foreign nation, and not engaged in commerce, must have a satellite navigation receiver with--
(1) Automatic acquisition of satellite signals after initial operator settings have been entered; and
(2) Position updates derived from satellite information during each usable satellite pass.
(b) A system that is found by the Commandant to meet the intent of the statements of availability, coverage, and accuracy for the U.S. Coastal Confluence Zone (CCZ) contained in the U.S. ``Federal Radionavigation Plan'' (Report No. DOD-NO 4650.4-P, I or No. DOT-TSC-RSPA-80-16, I). A person desiring a finding by the Commandant under this subparagraph must submit a written application describing the device to the Commandant (CG-DCO-D), Attn: Deputy for Operations Policy and Capabilities, U.S. Coast Guard Stop 7318, 2703 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20593-7318. After reviewing the application, the Commandant may request additional information to establish whether or not the device meets the intent of the Federal Radionavigation Plan. Note: The Federal Radionavigation Plan is available from the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Va. 22161, with the following Government Accession Numbers: Vol 1, ADA 116468Vol 2, ADA 116469Vol 3, ADA 116470Vol 4, ADA 116471 [USCG-2011-0257, 76 FR 31838, June 2, 2011, as amended by USCG-2014-0410, 79 FR 38442, July 7, 2014]