(a) The waters of San Diego Bay enclosed by the following boundaries are a safety zone:
From a point located on the boundary of Coast Guard Air Station San Diego, California at latitude 324337.2" N, longitude 1171045.0" W (point A), for a point of beginning; thence southeasterly to latitude 324336.2" N, longitude 1171041.5" W (point B); thence southwesterly to latitude 324320.2" N, longitude 1171049.5" W (point C); thence northwesterly to latitude 324325.7" N, longitude 1171104.6" W (point D); thence northeasterly to latitude 324335.7" N, longitude 1171059.5" W (point E); thence generally easterly along the air station boundary to the point of beginning (point A).
(b)(1) In accordance with the general regulations in Sec. 165.23 of this part, entry into the area of this zone is prohibited unless authorized by the Captain of the Port, except as provided for below.
(1) In accordance with the general regulations in Sec. 165.23 of this part, entry into the area of this zone is prohibited unless authorized by the Captain of the Port, except as provided for below.
(2) Vessels may transit the area of this safety zone without permission, but may not anchor, stop, remain within the zone, or approach within 100 yards (92 meters) of the land area of Coast Guard Air Station San Diego or structures attached thereto. [CGD 85-034, 50 FR 14703, Apr. 15, 1985 and COTP San Diego Reg. 85-06, 50 FR 38003, Sept. 19, 1985. Redesignated by USCG-2001-9286, 66 FR 33642, June 25, 2001]