(a) Location. The following is a security zone: The waters of the Hood Canal encompassed by a line commencing on the east shore of Hood Canal at latitude 474317" N., longitude 1224444" W., thence to latitude 474332" N., longitude 1224440" W.; thence to latitude 474350" N., longitude 1224440" W.; thence to latitude 474424" N., longitude 1224422" W.; thence to latitude 474547" N., longitude 1224322" W.; thence to latitude 474623" N., longitude 1224242" W.; thence to latitude 474623" N., longitude 1224220" W.; thence to latitude 474620" N., longitude 1224212" W.: thence southerly along the shoreline to the point of beginning.
(b) Security zone anchorage. The following is a security zone anchorage: Area No. 2. Waters of Hood Canal within a circle of 1,000 yards diameter centered on a point located at latitude 474626" N., longitude 1224249" W.
(c) Special Regulations. (1) Section 165.33 paragraphs, (a), (e), and (f) do not apply to the following vessels or individuals on board those vessels:
(1) Section 165.33 paragraphs, (a), (e), and (f) do not apply to the following vessels or individuals on board those vessels:
(i) Public vessels of the United States, other than United States Naval vessels.
(ii) Vessels that are performing work at Naval Submarine Base Bangor pursuant to a contract with the United States Navy which requires their presence in the security zone.
(iii) Any other vessels or class of vessels mutually agreed upon in advance by the Captain of the Port and Commanding Officer, Naval Submarine Base Bangor. Vessels operating in the security zone under this exemption must have previously obtained a copy of a certificate of exemption permitting their operation in the security zone from the Security Office, Naval Submarine Base Bangor. This written exemption shall state the date(s) on which it is effective and may contain any further restrictions on vessel operations within the security zone as have been previously agreed upon by the Captain of the Port and Commanding Officer, Naval Submarine Base Bangor. The certificate of exemption shall be maintained on board the exempted vessel so long as such vessel is operating in the security zone.
(2) Any vessel authorized to enter or remain in the security zone may anchor in the security zone anchorage.
(3) Other vessels desiring access to this zone shall secure permission from the Captain of the Port through the Security Office of the Naval Submarine Base Bangor. The request shall be forwarded in a timely manner to the Captain of the Port by the appropriate Navy official.
(d) Enforcement. The U.S. Coast Guard may be assisted in the patrol and monitoring of this security zone by the U.S. Navy. [CDG13 87-06, 52 FR 47924, Dec. 17, 1987]