(a) Location. The following area is a safety zone: All waters of the Columbia River at Vancouver, Washington, bounded by a line commencing at the northern base of the Interstate 5 highway bridge at latitude 453717" N, longitude 1224022" W; thence south along the Interstate 5 highway bridge to latitude 453703" N, longitude 1224032" W; thence to latitude 453628" N, longitude 1223835" W; thence to Ryan's Point at latitude 453642" N, longitude 1223835" W; thence along the Washington shoreline to the point of origin. [Datum: NAD 83].
(b) Effective dates. This section is effective annually on July fourth from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. (PDT) unless otherwise specified by Federal Register notice.
(c) Regulation. In accordance with the general regulations in Sec. 165.23 of this part, entry into this safety zone is prohibited unless authorized by the Captain of the Port Columbia River. [CGD13-95-055, 61 FR 18949, Apr. 30, 1996, as amended by USCG-2010-0351, 75 FR 48565, Aug. 11, 2010]