(a) Location. The following is a regulated navigation area (RNA): All waters of the Willamette River encompassed by a line commencing at 4534.47" N, 1224528" W along the shoreline to 453447" N, 1224530" W thence to 453447" N, 1224530" W thence to 453448" N, 1224530" W thence to 453448" N, 1224530" W thence to 453448" N, 1224528" W thence to 453447" N, 1224528" W and back to the point of origin. All coordinates reference 1983 North American Datum (NAD 83).
(b) Regulations. (1) Motoring, anchoring, dragging, dredging, or trawling are prohibited in the regulated area.
(1) Motoring, anchoring, dragging, dredging, or trawling are prohibited in the regulated area.
(2) All vessels transiting or accessing the regulated area shall do so at a no wake speed or at the minimum speed necessary to maintain steerage. [USCG-2008-0112, 74 FR 5988, Feb. 4, 2009]