(a) Regulations. (1) The general regulations contained in 33 CFR 165.23 as well as the following regulations apply to the fireworks displays, air shows, and swim events listed in Tables 1 and 2 to Sec. 165.151.
(1) The general regulations contained in 33 CFR 165.23 as well as the following regulations apply to the fireworks displays, air shows, and swim events listed in Tables 1 and 2 to Sec. 165.151.
(2) These regulations will be enforced for the duration of each event. Notifications will be made to the local maritime community through all appropriate means such as Local Notice to Mariners or Broadcast Notice to Mariners well in advance of the events. If the event does not have a date listed, then exact dates and times of the enforcement period will be announced through a Notice of Enforcement in the Federal Register. Mariners should consult the Federal Register or their Local Notice to Mariners to remain apprised of schedule or event changes. First Coast Guard District Local Notice to Mariners can be found at http://www.navcen.uscg.gov/.
(3) Although listed in the Code of Federal Regulations, sponsors of events listed in Tables 1 and 2 to Sec. 165.151 are still required to submit marine event applications in accordance with 33 CFR 100.15. Each application must:
(i) Be submitted no less than 60 days before the date of the proposed event.
(ii) If the proposed event does not have a specified date the sponsor shall hold the event during the month it is listed in Tables 1 or 2 to Sec. 165.151.
(iii) For those proposed events listed in Table 1 to Sec. 165.151 to be held during the month of July, the event may take place during the final seven days of June.
(iv) Any proposed event not being held on the specified date or within the month listed in Tables 1 or 2 to Sec. 165.151 shall be considered a new marine event and the sponsor shall submit a new marine event application in accordance with 33 CFR 100.15 no less than 135 days before the start of the event.
(b) Definitions. The following definitions apply to this section:
(1) Designated representative. A ``designated representative'' is any Coast Guard commissioned, warrant or petty officer of the U.S. Coast Guard who has been designated by the Captain of the Port (COTP), Sector Long Island Sound (LIS), to act on his or her behalf. The designated representative may be on an official patrol vessel or may be on shore and will communicate with vessels via VHF-FM radio or loudhailer. In addition, members of the Coast Guard Auxiliary may be present to inform vessel operators of this regulation.
(2) Official patrol vessels. Official patrol vessels may consist of any Coast Guard, Coast Guard Auxiliary, state, or local law enforcement vessels assigned or approved by the COTP.
(3) Spectators. All persons and vessels not registered with the event sponsor as participants or official patrol vessels.
(c) Vessel operators desiring to enter or operate within the regulated areas should contact the COTP at 203-468-4401 (Sector LIS command center) or the designated representative via VHF channel 16 to obtain permission to do so.
(d) Spectators or other vessels shall not anchor, block, loiter, or impede the transit of event participants or official patrol vessels in the regulated areas during the effective dates and times, or dates and times as modified through the Local Notice to Mariners, unless authorized by COTP or designated representative.
(e) Upon being hailed by a U.S. Coast Guard vessel or the designated representative, by siren, radio, flashing light or other means, the operator of the vessel shall proceed as directed. Failure to comply with a lawful direction may result in expulsion from the area, citation for failure to comply, or both.
(f) The COTP or designated representative may delay or terminate any marine event in this subpart at any time it is deemed necessary to ensure the safety of life or property.
(g) The regulated area for all fireworks displays listed in Table 1 to Sec. 165.151 is that area of navigable waters within a 1000 foot radius of the launch platform or launch site for each fireworks display, unless otherwise noted in Table 1 to Sec. 165.151 or modified in USCG First District Local Notice to Mariners at: http://www.navcen.uscg.gov/.
(h) The regulated area for all air shows is the entire geographic area described as the location for that show unless otherwise noted in Table 1 to Sec. 165.151 or modified in USCG First District Local Notice to Mariners at: http://www.navcen.uscg.gov/.
(i) Fireworks barges used in these locations will also have a sign on their port and starboard side labeled ``FIREWORKS--STAY AWAY''. This sign will consist of 10 inch high by 1.5 inch wide red lettering on a white background. Shore sites used in these locations will display a sign labeled ``FIREWORKS--STAY AWAY'' with the same dimensions. These zones will be enforced from 8:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. each day a barge with a ``FIREWORKS--STAY AWAY'' sign on the port and starboard side is on-scene or a ``FIREWORKS--STAY AWAY'' sign is posted in a location listed in Table 1 to Sec. 165.151.
(j) For all swim events listed in Table 2 to Sec. 165.151, vessels not associated with the event shall maintain a separation of at least 100 yards from the participants.
Table 1 to Sec. 165.151------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------2 February------------------------------------------------------------------------2.1 Sag Harbor COC Winter Harbor Frost Date: A day during the first or
Fireworks. second weekend of February
from 6:15 p.m. until 6:45 p.m.
Location: Waters of Sag Harbor
off Long Wharf St. Pier, Sag
Harbor, NY in approximate
position 410016.82" N.,
0721743.78" W. (NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------4 April------------------------------------------------------------------------4.1 Bridgeport Bluefish April Fireworks Location: Waters of the
Pequannock River's Lower Reach
surrounding Steel Point,
Bridgeport, CT in approximate
position 411035" N., 0731058"
W. (NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------5 May------------------------------------------------------------------------5.1 Jones Beach Air Show............... Date: The Thursday through
Sunday before Memorial Day
each May from 9:30 a.m. until
3:30 p.m. each day.
Location: Waters of the
Atlantic Ocean off Jones Beach
State Park, Wantagh, NY
contained within the following
described area; beginning in
approximate position 403454''
N., 0733321'' W., then running
east along the shoreline of
Jones Beach State Park to
approximate position 403553''
N., 0732847'' W.; then running
south to a position in the
Atlantic Ocean off of Jones
Beach at approximate position
403505'' N., 0732834'' W.;
then running West to
approximate position 403315''
N., 0733309'' W.; then running
North to the point of origin.------------------------------------------------------------------------5.2 Greenport Spring Fireworks......... Date: A day during the last
week of May or first week of
Location: Waters of Greenport
Harbor off Mitchell Park and
Marina, Greenport, NY in
approximate position
410559.09" N., 0722131.44" W.
(NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------6 June------------------------------------------------------------------------6.1 Barnum Festival Fireworks.......... Date: Last Saturday in June.
Rain date: Following
Time: 8:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Location: Waters of
Bridgeport Harbor, Bridgeport,
CT in approximate position
41904" N., 0731249" W. (NAD
83).------------------------------------------------------------------------6.2 Town of Branford Fireworks......... Location: Waters of Branford
Harbor, Branford, CT in
approximate position, 411530"
N., 0724922" W. (NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------6.3 Vietnam Veterans/Town of East Haven Location: Waters off Cosey
Fireworks. Beach, East Haven, CT in
approximate position, 411419"
N., 072529.8" W. (NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------6.4 Salute to Veterans Fireworks....... Date: The third Saturday of
Rain date: The fourth
Saturday of June.
Location: Waters of Reynolds
Channel off Hempstead, NY in
approximate position
403536.62" N., 0733520.72" W.
(NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------6.5 Cherry Grove Arts Project Fireworks Date: A single day during the
first two weeks of June.
Location: Waters of the Great
South Bay off Cherry Grove, NY
in approximate position
403949.06" N., 0730527.99" W.
(NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------
6.6 Bridgeport Bluefish June Fireworks. Location: Waters of the
Pequannock River's Lower Reach
surrounding Steel Point,
Bridgeport, CT in approximate
position 411035" N., 0731058"
W. (NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------7 July------------------------------------------------------------------------7.1 Point O'Woods Fire Company Summer Location: Waters of the Great
Fireworks. South Bay, Point O'Woods, NY
in approximate position
403918.57" N., 073085.73" W.
(NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------7.2 Cancer Center for Kids Fireworks... Location: Waters off of
Bayville, NY in approximate
position 405438.20" N.,
0733456.88" W. (NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------7.3 City of Westbrook, CT July Location: Waters of Westbrook
Celebration Fireworks. Harbor, Westbrook, CT in
approximate position,
411610.50" N., 0722614" W.
(NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------7.4 Norwalk Fireworks.................. Location: Waters off Calf
Pasture Beach, Norwalk, CT in
approximate position, 410450"
N., 0732322" W. (NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------7.5 Lawrence Beach Club Fireworks...... Location: Waters of the
Atlantic Ocean off Lawrence
Beach Club, Atlantic Beach, NY
in approximate position
403442.65" N., 0734256.02" W.
(NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------7.6 Sag Harbor Fireworks............... Location: Waters of Sag
Harbor Bay off Havens Beach,
Sag Harbor, NY in approximate
position 410026" N., 072179"
W. (NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------7.7 South Hampton Fresh Air Home Location: Waters of
Fireworks. Shinnecock Bay, Southampton,
NY in approximate position,
405148" N., 0722630" W. (NAD
83).------------------------------------------------------------------------7.8 Westport Police Athletic League Location: Waters off Compo
Fireworks. Beach, Westport, CT in
approximate position, 410615"
N., 0732057" W. (NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------7.9 City of Middletown Fireworks....... Date: July 4.
Rain date: July 5.
Time: 8:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Location: Waters of the
Connecticut River, Middletown
Harbor, Middletown, CT in
approximate position
413344.47" N., 0723837.88" W.
(NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------7.10 City of New Haven Fireworks....... Date: July 4.
Rain date: July 5.
Time: 8:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Location: Waters of New Haven
Harbor, off Long Warf Park,
New Haven, CT in approximate
position 411724" N.,
0725455.8" W. (NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------7.11 City of Norwich July Fireworks.... Date: July 4.
Rain date: July 5.
Time: 8:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Location: Waters of the
Thames River, Norwich, CT in
approximate position,
413116.835" N., 0720443.327"
W. (NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------7.12 City of Stamford Fireworks........ Date: July 4.
Rain date: July 5.
Time: 8:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Location: Waters of Fisher's
Westcott Cove, Stamford, CT in
approximate position
410209.56" N., 0733057.76" W.
(NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------7.13 City of West Haven Fireworks...... Date: July 4.
Rain date: July 5.
Time: 8:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Location: Waters of New Haven
Harbor, off Bradley Point,
West Haven, CT in approximate
position 411507" N., 0725726"
W. (NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------7.14 CDM Chamber of Commerce Annual Date: July 4.
Music Fest Fireworks.
Rain date: July 5.
Time: 8:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Location: Waters off Cedar
Beach Town Park, Mount Sinai,
NY in approximate position
405759.58" N., 0730157.87" W.
(NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------7.15 Davis Park Fireworks.............. Date: July 4.
Rain date: July 5.
Time: 8:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Location: Waters of the Great
South Bay, Davis Park, NY in
approximate position, 404117"
N., 0730020" W. (NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------7.16 Fairfield Aerial Fireworks........ Date: July 4.
Rain date: July 5.
Time: 8:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Location: Waters of Jennings
Beach, Fairfield, CT in
approximate position 410822"
N., 0731402" W. (NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------7.17 Fund in the Sun Fireworks......... Date: July 4.
Rain date: July 5.
Time: 8:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Location: Waters of the Great
South Bay off The Pines, East
Fire Island, NY in approximate
position 404007.43" N.,
0730413.88" W. (NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------7.18 Independence Day Celebration Date: July 4.
Rain date: July 5.
Time: 8:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Location: Waters off Umbrella
Beach, Montauk, NY in
approximate position 410144"
N., 0715713" W. (NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------7.19 Jones Beach State Park Fireworks.. Date: July 4.
Rain date: July 5.
Time: 8:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Location: Waters off Jones
Beach State Park, Wantagh, NY
in approximate position
403456.676" N., 0733031.186"
W. (NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------7.20 Madison Cultural Arts Fireworks... Date: July 4.
Rain date: July 5.
Time: 8:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Location: Waters of Long
Island Sound off Madison, CT
in approximate position
411610" N., 0723630" W. (NAD
83).------------------------------------------------------------------------7.21 Mason's Island Yacht Club Date: July 4.
Rain date: July 5.
Time: 8:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Location: Waters of Fisher's
Island Sound, Noank, CT in
approximate position
411930.61" N., 0715748.22" W.
(NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------7.22 Patchogue Chamber of Commerce Date: July 4.
Rain date: July 5.
Time: 8:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Location: Waters of the Great
South Bay, Patchogue, NY in
approximate position, 404438"
N., 0730033" W. (NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------7.23 Riverfest Fireworks............... Date: July 4.
Rain date: July 5.
Time: 8:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Location: Waters of the
Connecticut River, Hartford,
CT in approximate positions,
414539.93" N., 0723949.14" W.
(NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------7.24 Village of Asharoken Fireworks.... Date: July 4.
Rain date: July 5.
Time: 8:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Location: Waters of Northport
Bay, Asharoken, NY in
approximate position,
415554.04" N., 0732127.97" W.
(NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------7.25 Village of Port Jefferson Fourth Date: July 4.
of July Celebration Fireworks.
Rain date: July 5.
Time: 8:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Location: Waters of Port
Jefferson Harbor, Port
Jefferson, NY in approximate
position 405710.11" N.,
0730428.01" W. (NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------7.26 Village of Quoque Foundering Date: July 4.
Anniversary Fireworks.
Rain date: July 5.
Time: 8:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Location: Waters of Quantuck
Bay, Quoque, NY in approximate
position 404842.99" N.,
0723720.20" W. (NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------7.27 City of Long Beach Fireworks...... Location: Waters off
Riverside Blvd., City of Long
Beach, NY in approximate
position 403438.77" N.,
0733941.32" W. (NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------7.28 Great South Bay Music Festival Location: Waters of Great
Fireworks. South Bay, off Bay Avenue,
Patchogue, NY in approximate
position 404445" N., 0730025"
W. (NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------7.29 Mashantucket Pequot Fireworks..... Location: Waters of the
Thames River, New London, CT
in approximate positions Barge
1, 412103.03" N., 072524.5" W.
Barge 2, 412051.75" N.,
072518.90" W. (NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------7.30 Shelter Island Fireworks.......... Location: Waters of Gardiner
Bay, Shelter Island, NY in
approximate position
410439.11" N, 0722201.07" W
(NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------7.31 Clam Shell Foundation Fireworks... Location: Waters of Three
Mile Harbor, East Hampton, NY
in approximate position
41115.49" N., 0721127.50" W.
(NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------7.32 Town of North Hempstead Bar Beach Location: Waters of Hempstead
Fireworks. Harbor, North Hempstead, NY in
approximate position 404954"
N., 0733914" W. (NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------7.33 Groton Long Point Yacht Club Location: Waters of Long
Fireworks. Island Sound, Groton, CT in
approximate position 411805"
N., 0720208" W. (NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------7.34 Devon Yacht Club Fireworks........ Date: A day during the first
week of July.
Location: Waters of Napeague
Bay, in Block Island Sound off
Amagansett, NY in approximate
position 405941.40" N.,
0720608.70" W. (NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------7.35 Dolan Family Fourth Fireworks..... Date: July 4.
Rain date: July 5.
Location: Waters of Oyster
Bay Harbor in Long Island
Sound off Oyster Bay, NY in
approximate position
405342.50" N., 0733004.30" W.
(NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------7.36 Friar's Head Golf Club Fireworks.. Date: A day during the first
two weeks of July.
Location: Waters of Long
Island Sound off Baiting
Hollow, NY in approximate
position, 405819.53" N.,
0724345.65" W. (NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------7.37 Islip Fireworks................... Date: July 4.
Rain date: July 5.
Location: Waters of the Great
South Bay off Bay Shore Manor
Park, Islip, NY in approximate
position 404224" N., 0731424"
W. (NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------7.38 Madison Fireworks................. Date: July 4.
Rain date: The Saturday
following July 4.
Location: Waters of Long
Island Sound off Madison
Beach, Madison, CT in
approximate position
411603.93" N., 0723615.97" W.
(NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------7.39 Stratford Fireworks............... Date: July 3.
Rain date: July 5.
Location: Waters of Long
Island Sound surrounding Short
Beach Park, Stratford, CT in
approximate position
410950.82" N., 0730647.13" W.
(NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------7.40 Rowayton Fireworks................ Date: July 4.
Rain date: July 5.
Location: Waters of Long
Island Sound south of Bayley
Beach Park, Rowayton, CT in
approximate position 410311"
N., 0732641" W. (NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------7.41 Niantic Bay Fireworks............. Date: A day during the first
three weeks of July.
Location: Waters of Niantic
Bay 1,500 feet west of the
Niantic River Railroad Bridge,
Niantic, CT in approximate
position 411922.59" N.,
0721103.47" W. (NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------7.42 Connetquot River Summer Fireworks. Date: A day during the first
week of July.
Location: Waters of the
Connetquot River off Snapper
Inn Restaurant, Oakdale, NY in
approximate position
404332.38" N., 073902.64" W.
(NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------7.43 North Bay Fourth of July Fireworks Date: July 4.
Rain date: July 5.
Location: Waters of the Great
South Bay in Patchogue Bay
4,000 feet southeast of Blue
Point, NY in approximate
position 40446.28" N.,
0730102.50" W. (NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------7.44 National Golf Links Fireworks..... Date: A day during the first
week of July.
Location: Waters of the Great
Peconic Bay \3/4\ of a mile
northwest of Bullhead Bay,
Shinnecock, NY in approximate
position 405511.79" N.,
0722804.34" W. (NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------7.45 Xirinachs Family Foundation Date: A day during the first
Fireworks. two weekends of July.
Location: Waters of Hunting
Bay off Beach Avenue,
Huntington Bay, NY in
approximate position
405423.27" N., 732508.04" W.
(NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------7.46 Irwin Family 4th of July.......... Date: A day during the last
week of June or first week of
Location: Waters of the Great
South Bay off The Helm Road,
East Islip, NY in approximate
position 404212.28" N.,
731200.08" W. (NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------7.47 Westbrook July Celebration........ Date: A day during the last
week of June or first week of
Location: Waters of Long
Island Sound Westbrook Harbor,
West Brook, CT in approximate
position 411610" N., 722614"
W. (NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------7.48 Bridgeport Bluefish July Fireworks Location: Waters of the
Pequannock River's Lower Reach
surrounding Steel Point,
Bridgeport, CT in approximate
position 411035" N., 0731058"
W. (NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------8 August------------------------------------------------------------------------8.1 Village of Bellport Fireworks...... Location: Waters of Bellport
Bay, off Bellport Dock,
Bellport, NY in approximate
position 404501.83" N.,
0725550.43" W. (NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------8.2 Taste of Italy Fireworks........... Location: Waters of Norwich
Harbor, off Norwich Marina,
Norwich, CT in approximate
position 413117.72" N.,
0720443.41" W. (NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------8.3 Old Black Point Beach Association Location: Waters off Old
Fireworks. Black Point Beach, East Lyme,
CT in approximate position,
411734.9" N., 0721255" W. (NAD
83).------------------------------------------------------------------------8.4 Town of Babylon Fireworks.......... Location: Waters off of Cedar
Beach Town Park, Babylon, NY
in approximate position
403753" N., 0732012" W. (NAD
83).------------------------------------------------------------------------8.5 Shelter Island Yacht Club Fireworks Date: The second Saturday of
Rain date: The second Sunday
of August.
Location: Waters of Dering
Harbor north of Shelter Island
Yacht Club, Shelter Island, NY
in approximate position
410523.47" N., 0722111.18" W.
(NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------8.6 Stamford Fireworks................. Date: The last Saturday of
Rain date: The last Sunday of
Location: Waters of Stamford
Harbor, off Kosciuszco Park,
Stamford, CT in approximate
position 410148.46" N.,
0733215.32" W. (NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------8.7 Nikon Theater at Jones Beach Date: A day during the first
Fireworks. two weeks of August.
Location: Waters of Zacks Bay
off the Nikon Theater, Jones
Beach, NY in approximate
position 403602.12" N.,
0733005.65" W. (NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------8.8 Ascension Fireworks................ Date: A day during the third
or fourth weekend of August.
Location: Waters of the Great
South Bay off The Pines, East
Fire Island, NY in approximate
position 404007.43" N.,
0730413.88" W. (NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------8.9 Bridgeport Bluefish August Location: Waters of the
Fireworks. Pequannock River's Lower Reach
surrounding Steel Point,
Bridgeport, CT in approximate
position 411035" N., 0731058"
W. (NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------9 September------------------------------------------------------------------------9.1 East Hampton Fire Department Location: Waters off Main
Fireworks. Beach, East Hampton, NY in
approximate position
405640.28" N., 0721121.26" W.
(NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------9.2 Town of Islip Labor Day Fireworks.. Location: Waters of Great
South Bay off Bay Shore
Marina, Islip, NY in
approximate position 404224"
N., 0731424" W. (NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------9.3 Village of Island Park Labor Day Location: Waters off Village
Celebration Fireworks. of Island Park Fishing Pier,
Village Beach, NY in
approximate position
403630.95" N., 0733922.23" W.
(NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------9.4 The Creek Fireworks................ Date: A day during the first
week of September.
Location: Waters of Long
Island Sound off the Creek
Golf Course, Lattingtown, NY
in approximate position
405413" N., 0733558" W. (NAD
83).------------------------------------------------------------------------9.5 Archangel Michael Greek Orthodox Date: A day during the last
Church Fireworks. week of September or first
week of October.
Location: Waters of Hempstead
Harbor off Bar Beach Town
Park, Port Washington, NY in
approximate position 404942"
N., 0733907" W. (NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------9.6 Port Washington Sons of Italy Location: Waters of Hempstead
Fireworks. Harbor off Bar Beach, North
Hempstead, NY in approximate
position 404948.04" N.,
0733924.32" W. (NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------9.7 Bridgeport Bluefish September Location: Waters of the
Fireworks. Pequannock River's Lower Reach
surrounding Steel Point,
Bridgeport, CT in approximate
position 411035" N., 0731058"
W. (NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------11 November------------------------------------------------------------------------11.1 Charles W. Morgan Anniversary Date: A day during the first
Fireworks. or second weekend of November.
Location: Waters of the
Mystic River, north of the
Mystic Seaport Light, Mystic,
CT in approximate position
412156.455" N., 0715758.32" W.
(NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------11.2 Christmas Boat Parade Fireworks... Location: Waters of Patchogue
Bay off Lombardi's on the Bay
Restaurant, Patchogue, NY in
approximate position
404439.18" N., 0730037.80" W.
(NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------11.3 Connetquot River Fall Fireworks... Location: Waters of the
Connetquot River off Snapper
Inn Restaurant, Oakdale, NY in
approximate position
404332.38" N., 0730902.64" W.
(NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------12 December------------------------------------------------------------------------12.1 Greenport Winter Fireworks........ Date: From 11:45 p.m.
December 31 until 12:30 a.m.
January 1.
Location: Waters of Greenport
Harbor off Mitchell Park and
Marina, Greenport, NY, in
approximate position
410559.09" N., 0722131.44" W.
(NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------
Table 2 to Sec. 165.151
[June, July & August]------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------1.1 Swim Across the Sound.............. Location: Waters of Long
Island Sound, Port Jefferson,
NY to Captain's Cove Seaport,
Bridgeport, CT. in approximate
positions 405811.71" N,
0730551.12" W, north-westerly
to the finishing point at
Captain's Cove Seaport
410925.07" N, 0731247.82" W
(NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------1.2 Huntington Bay Open Water Location: Waters of
Championships Swim. Huntington Bay, NY. In
approximate positions start/
finish at approximate position
405425.8" N, 0732428.8" W,
East turn at approximate
position 405445" N 0732336.6"
W and a West turn at
approximate position 405431.2"
N, 0732521" W, 0925.07" N
0731247.82" W (NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------1.3 Maggie Fischer Memorial Great South Location: Waters of the Great
Bay Cross Bay Swim. South Bay, NY. Starting Point
at the Fire Island Lighthouse
Dock in approximate position
403801" N, 0731307" W;
northerly through approximate
points 403852" N, 0731309" W;
403940" N, 0731330" W; 404030"
N, 0731400" W; and finishing
at Gilbert Park, Brightwaters,
NY at approximate position
404225" N, 0731452" W (NAD
83).------------------------------------------------------------------------1.4 Waves of Hope Swim................. Date: A day during the last
week of June or first two
weeks of July.
Time: 8 a.m. until 1 p.m.
Location: All waters of the
Great South Bay off
Amityville, NY shoreward of a
line created by connecting the
following points. Beginning at
403922.38" N, 0732531.63" W,
then to 403902.18" N,
0732531.63" W, then to
403902.18" N, 0732403.81" W,
ending at 403918.27" N,
0732403.81" W (NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------1.5 Stonewall Swim..................... Date: A day during a weekend
in August.
Time: 8:30 a.m. until 12:30
Location: All navigable
waters of the Great South Bay
within a three miles long and
half mile wide box connecting
Snedecor Avenue in Bayport, NY
to Porgie Walk in Fire Island,
NY. Formed by connecting the
following points. Beginning at
404340.24" N, 0730341.50" W;
then to 404340.00" N,
0730313.40" W; then to
404004.13 N, 0730343.81" W;
then to 404008.30" N,
0730317.70" W; and ending at
the beginning point 404340.24"
N, 0730341.5" W (NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------1.6 Swim Across America Greenwich...... Date: A single day during
Time: 5:30 a.m. until noon.
Location: All navigable
waters of Stamford Harbor
within a half miles long and
1000 foot wide polygon shaped
box stretching from Dolphin
Cove to Rocky Point between
Stamford and Greenwich, CT.
Formed by connecting the
following points. Beginning at
point (A) 410132.03" N,
073338.93" W, then south east
to point (B) 410115.01" N,
0733255.58" W; then south west
to point (c) 410049.25N,
0733320.36" W; then north west
to point (D) 410058.00" N,
0733327.00" W, then north east
to point (E) 410115.80" N,
0733309.85" W, then heading
north and ending at point
(A)(NAD 83).1.7 US Coast Guard Triathlon Swim...... Date: A single day during
Location: All navigable
waters of the Thames River,
New London Harbor off Fort
Trumbull State Park around a
half mile long course that is
west of the Federal navigation
channel in New London, CT.
Formed by connecting the
following points. Beginning at
point (A) 412040.03" N,
0720532.15" W; then east to
point (B) 412040.08" N,
0720522.03" W, then north to
point (C) 412048.29N,
0720523.19" W; then north west
to point (D) 412050.84" N,
0720529.29" W, then south west
to end point (E) 412046.41" N,
0720535.77" W, (NAD 83).------------------------------------------------------------------------ [USCG-2008-0384, 77 FR 6958, Feb. 10, 2012, as amended by USCG-2012-1036, 78 FR 31406, May 24, 2013; USCG-2014-0410, 79 FR 38442, July 7, 2014]