The following areas are designated safety and security zones:
(a) Security zones. (1) Dominion Millstone Nuclear Power Plant, Waterford, CT.
(1) Dominion Millstone Nuclear Power Plant, Waterford, CT.
(i) All navigable waters of Long Island Sound, from surface to bottom, North and Northeast of a line running from Bay Point, at approximate position 411834.20" N, 0721024.60" W, to Millstone Point at approximate position 411815.00" N, 072957.60" W (NAD 83).
(ii) All navigable waters of Long Island Sound, from surface to bottom, West of a line starting at 411842" N, 0720939" W, running south to the Eastern most point of Fox Island at approximate position 411824.11" N, 0720939.73" W (NAD 83).
(2) Electric Boat Shipyard, Groton, CT.
(i) Location. All navigable waters of the Thames River, from surface to bottom, West of the Electric Boat Corporation Shipyard enclosed by a line beginning at a point on the shoreline at 412016" N, 720447" W; then running West to 412016" N, 720457" W; then running North to 412026" N, 720457" W; then Northwest to 412028.7" N, 720501.7" W; then North-Northwest to 412053.3" N, 720504.8" W; then North-Northeast to 412102.9" N, 720504.9" W; then East to a point on shore at 412102.9" N, 720458.2" W (NAD 83).
(ii) Application. Sections 165.33(a), (e), (f) shall not apply to public vessels or to vessels owned by, under hire to, or performing work for the Electric Boat Division when operating in the security zone.
(3) Naval Submarine Base, Groton, CT. All navigable waters of the Thames River, from surface to bottom, West of the Groton Naval Submarine Base New London, enclosed by a line beginning at a point on the shoreline at 412315.8" N, 720517.9" W; then to 412315.8" N, 720522" W; then to 412325.9" N, 720529.9" W; then to 412333.8" N, 720534.7" W; then to 412337.0" N, 720538.0" W; then to 412341.0" N, 720540.3" W; then to 412347.2" N, 720542.3" W; then to 412353.8" N, 720543.7" W; then to 412359.8" N, 720543.0" W; then to 412412.4" N, 720543.2" W; then to a point on the shoreline at 412414.4" N, 720538" W; then along the shoreline to the point of beginning (NAD 83).
(4) U.S. Coast Guard Academy, New London, CT.
(i) Location. All navigable waters of the Thames River, from surface to bottom, in a 500-yard radius from Jacobs Rock, approximate position 412222" N, 0720540" W (NAD 83).
(ii) Enforcement period. This rule will be enforced during visits by high-ranking officials and times of heighted security.
(iii) Notification. The Captain of the Port will notify the maritime community of periods during which this security zone will be enforced by all appropriate means such as Local Notice to Mariners, Marine Safety Information Radio Broadcasts or on scene notice.
(5) U.S. Coast Guard Vessels, Long Island Sound COTP Zone. All navigable waters within a 100-yard radius of any anchored U.S. Coast Guard vessel. For the purposes of this section, U.S. Coast Guard vessels includes any commissioned vessel or small boat in the service of the regular U.S. Coast Guard and does not include Coast Guard Auxiliary vessels.
(b) Safety zones. (1) Coast Guard Station Fire Island, Long Island, NY. All waters of Fire Island Inlet from the shore out to a line beginning at a point on shore at 403731.4" N, 0731541.1" W; then North to 403735.6" N, 0731543.1" W; then East to 403736.7" N, 0731539.8" W; then East to 403737.8" N, 0731536.6" W; then East to 403741.1" N, 0731533.5" W; then Southeast to 403739.7" N, 0731527.0" W; then Southeast to 403737.5" N, 0731522.1" W; then Southeast to 403737.6" N, 0731519.1" W; then Southeast to point on shore at 403733.9" N, 0731520.8" W (NAD 83).
(1) Coast Guard Station Fire Island, Long Island, NY. All waters of Fire Island Inlet from the shore out to a line beginning at a point on shore at 403731.4" N, 0731541.1" W; then North to 403735.6" N, 0731543.1" W; then East to 403736.7" N, 0731539.8" W; then East to 403737.8" N, 0731536.6" W; then East to 403741.1" N, 0731533.5" W; then Southeast to 403739.7" N, 0731527.0" W; then Southeast to 403737.5" N, 0731522.1" W; then Southeast to 403737.6" N, 0731519.1" W; then Southeast to point on shore at 403733.9" N, 0731520.8" W (NAD 83).
(2) [Reserved]
(c) Regulations. (1) The general regulations contained in Sec. 165.23 and Sec. 165.33 of this part apply. Entering into, remaining within or cause an article or thing to enter into or remain within these safety and security zones is prohibited unless authorized by the Captain of the Port or a designated representative.
(1) The general regulations contained in Sec. 165.23 and Sec. 165.33 of this part apply. Entering into, remaining within or cause an article or thing to enter into or remain within these safety and security zones is prohibited unless authorized by the Captain of the Port or a designated representative.
(2) These safety and security zones are closed to all vessel traffic, except as may be permitted by the Captain of the Port (COTP) or a designated representative. Vessel operators given permission to enter or operate in the security zones must comply with all directions given to them by the COTP or the designated representative.
(3) The ``designated representative'' is any Coast Guard commissioned, warrant or petty officer who has been designated by the Captain of the Port to act on his/her behalf. The on-scene representative may be on a Coast Guard vessel, a state or local law enforcement vessel, or other designated craft, or may be on shore and will communicate with vessels via VHF-FM radio or loudhailer. In addition, members of the Coast Guard Auxiliary may be present to inform vessel operators of this regulation.
(4) Vessel operators desiring to enter or operate within the security zones shall request permission to do so by contacting the Captain of the Port Sector Long Island Sound at 203-468-4401, or via VHF Channel 16. [USCG-2008-0384, 77 FR 6961, Feb. 10, 2012]