(a) Location. The following areas are security zones:
(1) Wall Street Heliport. All waters of the East River within the following boundaries: East of a line drawn between approximate position 404201" N, 0740039" W (east of The Battery) to 404136" N, 0740052" W (point north of Governors Island) and north of a line drawn from the point north of Governors Island to the southwest corner of Pier 7 North, Brooklyn; and south of a line drawn between 404214.8" N, 0740020.3" W (Wall Street, Manhattan), and the northwest corner of Pier 2 North, Brooklyn (NAD 1983).
(2) Randalls and Wards Islands: All waters of the East River between the Hell Gate Rail Road Bridge (mile 8.2), and a line drawn from a point at approximate position 404727.12" N, 0735435.14" W (Lawrence Point, Queens) to a point at approximate position 404752.55" N, 0735435.25" W (Port Morris Stacks), and all waters of the Bronx Kill southeast of the Bronx Kill Rail Road Bridge (mile 0.6) (NAD 1983).
(3) Marine Air Terminal, LaGuardia Airport Security Zone: All waters of Bowery Bay, Queens, New York, south of a line drawn from the western end of LaGuardia Airport at approximate position 404647" N, 0735305" W to the Rikers Island Bridge at approximate position 404651" N, 0735321" W and east of a line drawn between the point at the Rikers Island Bridge to a point on the shore in Queens, New York, at approximate position 404636" N, 0735331" W (NAD 1983).
(4) United Nations Manhattan Shoreline. All waters of the East River bound by the following points: 404437" N, 0735816.5" W (the base of East 35th Street, Manhattan), then east to 404434.5" N, 0735810.5" W (about 180 yards offshore of Manhattan), then northeasterly to 404529" N, 0735726.5" W (about 125 yards offshore of Manhattan at the Queensboro Bridge), then northwesterly to 404531" N, 0735730.5" W (Manhattan shoreline at the Queensboro Bridge), then southerly along the shoreline to the starting point at 404437" N, 0735816.5" W (NAD 1983).
(5) United Nations West Channel Closure. All waters of the East River north of a line drawn from approximate position 404437" N, 0735816.5" W (the base of East 35th Street, Manhattan), to approximate position 404431.04" N, 0735803.10" W (approximately 400 yards east of the Manhattan shoreline), all waters west of a line drawn from approximate position 404431.04" N, 0735803.10" W (approximately 400 yards east of the Manhattan shoreline), to the southern tip of Roosevelt Island at approximate position 404457.96" N, 0735741.57" W, then along the western shoreline of Roosevelt Island to the Queensboro Bridge, and all waters south of the Queensboro Bridge (NAD 1983).
(6) United Nations Full River Closure. All waters of the East River north of a line drawn from approximate position 404437" N, 0735816.5" W (the base of East 35th Street, Manhattan), to approximate position 404423" N, 0735744.5" W (Hunters Point, Long Island City), and south of the Queensboro Bridge (NAD 1983).
(b) Definitions.
As used in this section--
Designated representative means any Coast Guard commissioned, warrant, or petty officer who has been designated by the COTP to act on the COTP's behalf. A designated representative may be on a Coast Guard vessel, or onboard a federal, state, or local agency vessel that is authorized to act in support of the Coast Guard.
Dignitary means the President or Vice President of the United States, or visiting heads of foreign states or governments.
(c) Regulations. In accordance with the general regulations in 33 CFR 165.33, no person or vessel may enter or move within a security zone created by this section while that security zone is being enforced unless granted permission to do so by the Coast Guard's First District Commander, the COTP, or a designated representative. Vessel operators and persons given permission to enter or operate in a security zone must comply with all directions given to them by the COTP, or a designated representative. Upon being hailed by a U.S. Coast Guard or other duly authorized law enforcement vessel (e.g., New York City police) by siren, radio, flashing lights, or other means, the operator of a vessel must proceed as directed, and follow any instructions to anchor or moor up to a waterfront facility.
(d) Enforcement periods. The security zone described in paragraph (a)(4) of this section is subject to enforcement at all times. All other security zones established by this section will only be enforced when necessary to protect dignitaries as determined by the COTP.
(e) Notification. Because the security zone described in paragraph (a)(4) of this section is subject to enforcement at all times, the Coast Guard will not necessarily take any action to further notify the public about the enforcement of that zone. As for the enforcement periods for the other security zones contained herein, the Coast Guard will rely on the methods described in 33 CFR 165.7 to notify the public of the time and duration of any enforcement period. The COTP may also notify the public about enforcement of these security zones via http://homeport.uscg.mil/newyork.
(f) Contact information. Vessel operators desiring to enter or operate within a security zone shall telephone the COTP at 718-354-4356 or a designated representative via VHF channel 16 to obtain permission to do so. [USCG-2013-1009, 79 FR 78308, Dec. 30, 2014]