(a) Definitions. (1) Certain Dangerous Cargo (CDC) means a material defined in 33 CFR part 160.
(1) Certain Dangerous Cargo (CDC) means a material defined in 33 CFR part 160.
(2) Liquefied Hazardous Gas (LHG) means a material defined in 33 CFR part 127.
(3) Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) means a material defined in 33 CFR part 127.
(4) Cruise ship means a vessel defined as a ``passenger vessel'' in 46 U.S.C. 2101 (22).
(b) Location. The following areas are a safety/security zone: All waters of the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries, from surface to bottom, within a 500 yard radius around cruise ships and vessels transporting CDC, LNG, or LHG while transiting, anchored, or moored within the COTP Baltimore zone.
(c) Regulations. (1) The COTP will notify the maritime community of affected vessels and the periods during which the safety/security zones will be enforced by providing notice to mariners in accordance with 33 CFR 165.7.
(1) The COTP will notify the maritime community of affected vessels and the periods during which the safety/security zones will be enforced by providing notice to mariners in accordance with 33 CFR 165.7.
(2) Entry into or remaining in this zone is prohibited unless authorized by the Coast Guard COTP, Baltimore, Maryland or his designated representative.
(3) Persons desiring to transit the area of the security zone may contact the COTP at telephone number 410-576-2693 or on VHF channel 16 (156.8 MHz) to seek permission to transit the area. If permission is granted, all persons and vessels must comply with the instructions of the COTP or his or her designated representative.
(d) Authority. In addition to 33 U.S.C. 1231, the authority for this section includes 50 U.S.C. 191. [CDG05-03-008, 68 FR 43311, July 22, 2003]