Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 33  /  Part 165  /  Sec. 165.506 Safety Zones; Fireworks Displays in the Fifth Coast Guard District.

(a) Regulations. (1) The general regulations contained in 33 CFR 165.23 apply.

(1) The general regulations contained in 33 CFR 165.23 apply.

(2) The following regulations apply to the fireworks safety zones listed in the Table to Sec. 165.506. These regulations will be enforced annually, for the duration of each fireworks event listed in the Table to Sec. 165.506. In the case of inclement weather, the event may be conducted on the day following the date listed in the Table to Sec. 165.506. Annual notice of the exact dates and times of the enforcement period of the regulation with respect to each safety zone, the geographical area, and other details concerning the nature of the fireworks event will be published in Local Notices to Mariners and via Broadcast Notice to Mariners over VHF-FM marine band radio.

(3) All persons and vessels shall comply with the instructions of the Coast Guard Captain of the Port or the designated on-scene-patrol personnel. Those personnel are comprised of commissioned, warrant, and petty officers of the U.S. Coast Guard. Other Federal, State and local agencies may assist these personnel in the enforcement of the safety zone. Upon being hailed by a U.S. Coast Guard vessel by siren, radio, flashing light or other means, the operator of a vessel shall proceed as directed.

(b) Notification. (1) Fireworks barges and launch sites on land that operate within the regulated areas contained in the Table to Sec. 165.506 will have a sign affixed to the port and starboard side of the barge or mounted on a post 3 feet above ground level when on land immediately adjacent to the shoreline and facing the water labeled ``FIREWORKS--DANGER--STAY AWAY''. This will provide on scene notice that the safety zone will be enforced on that day. This notice will consist of a diamond shaped sign 4 feet by 4 feet with a 3-inch orange retro reflective border. The word ``DANGER'' shall be 10 inch black block letters centered on the sign with the words ``FIREWORKS'' and ``STAY AWAY'' in 6 inch black block letters placed above and below the word ``DANGER'' respectively on a white background.

(1) Fireworks barges and launch sites on land that operate within the regulated areas contained in the Table to Sec. 165.506 will have a sign affixed to the port and starboard side of the barge or mounted on a post 3 feet above ground level when on land immediately adjacent to the shoreline and facing the water labeled ``FIREWORKS--DANGER--STAY AWAY''. This will provide on scene notice that the safety zone will be enforced on that day. This notice will consist of a diamond shaped sign 4 feet by 4 feet with a 3-inch orange retro reflective border. The word ``DANGER'' shall be 10 inch black block letters centered on the sign with the words ``FIREWORKS'' and ``STAY AWAY'' in 6 inch black block letters placed above and below the word ``DANGER'' respectively on a white background.

(2) Coast Guard Captains of the Port in the Fifth Coast Guard District will notify the public of the enforcement of these safety zones by all appropriate means to effect the widest publicity among the affected segments of the public. Publication in the Local Notice to Mariners, marine information broadcasts, and facsimile broadcasts may be made for these events, beginning 24 to 48 hours before the event is scheduled to begin, to notify the public.

(c) Contact information. Questions about safety zones and related events should be addressed to the local Coast Guard Captain of the Port for the area in which the event is occurring. Contact information is listed below. For a description of the geographical area of each Coast Guard Sector--Captain of the Port zone, please see 33 CFR 3.25.

(1) Coast Guard Sector Delaware Bay--Captain of the Port Zone, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: (215) 271-4944.

(2) Coast Guard Sector Baltimore--Captain of the Port Zone, Baltimore, Maryland: (410) 576-2525.

(3) Coast Guard Sector Hampton Roads--Captain of the Port Zone, Norfolk, Virginia: (757) 483-8567.

(4) Coast Guard Sector North Carolina--Captain of the Port Zone, Wilmington, North Carolina: (877) 229-0770 or (910) 772-2200.

(d) Enforcement period. The safety zones in the Table to Sec. 165.506 will be enforced from 5:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. each day a barge with a ``FIREWORKS--DANGER--STAY AWAY'' sign on the port and starboard side is on-scene or a ``FIREWORKS--DANGER--STAY AWAY'' sign is posted on land adjacent to the shoreline, in a location listed in the Table to Sec. 165.506. Vessels may not enter, remain in, or transit through the safety zones during these enforcement periods unless authorized by the Captain of the Port or designated Coast Guard patrol personnel on scene.

All coordinates listed in the Table to Sec. 165.506 reference Datum NAD 1983.

Table to Sec. 165.506

[All coordinates listed in the Table to Sec. 165.506 reference Datum

NAD 1983]------------------------------------------------------------------------

No. Date Location Regulated area------------------------------------------------------------------------

(a.) Coast Guard Sector Delaware Bay--COTP Zone------------------------------------------------------------------------1......... July 3rd, 4th or North Atlantic The waters of the

5th. Ocean, Bethany North Atlantic Ocean

Beach, DE; within a 500 yard

Safety Zone. radius of the

fireworks barge in

approximate position

latitude 383208" N.,

longitude 0750315"

W., adjacent to

shoreline of Bethany

Beach, DE.2......... Labor Day........ Indian River Bay, All waters of the

DE; Safety Zone. Indian River Bay

within a 700 yard

radius of the

fireworks launch

location on the pier

in approximate

position latitude

383642" N., longitude

0750818" W.3......... July 3rd or 4th.. North Atlantic All waters of the

Ocean, Rehoboth North Atlantic Ocean

Beach, DE; within a 360 yard

Safety Zone. radius of the

fireworks barge in

approximate position

latitude 384301.2"

N., longitude

0750421" W.,

approximately 400

yards east of

Rehoboth Beach, DE.4......... July 3rd, 4th or North Atlantic The waters of the

5th. Ocean, Avalon, North Atlantic Ocean

NJ; Safety Zone. within a 500 yard

radius of the

fireworks barge in

approximate location

latitude 390619.5"

N., longitude

0744202.15" W., in

the vicinity of the

shoreline at Avalon,

NJ.5......... July 4th, or Barnegat Bay, The waters of Barnegat

September 1st-- Barnegat Bay within a 500 yard

2nd Saturday. Township, NJ; radius of the

Safety Zone. fireworks barge in

approximate position

latitude 394450" N.,

longitude 0741121"

W., approximately 500

yards north of

Conklin Island, NJ.6......... July 3rd, 4th or North Atlantic The waters of the

5th. Ocean, Cape May, North Atlantic Ocean

NJ; Safety Zone. within a 500 yard

radius of the

fireworks barge in

approximate location

latitude 385536" N.,

longitude 0745526"

W., immediately

adjacent to the

shoreline at Cape

May, NJ.7......... July 3rd, 4th or Delaware Bay, All waters of the

5th. North Cape May, Delaware Bay within a

NJ; Safety Zone. 360 yard radius of

the fireworks barge

in approximate

position latitude

385800" N., longitude

0745830" W.8......... August--3rd Great Egg Harbor All waters within a

Sunday. Inlet, Margate 500 yard radius of

City, NJ; Safety the fireworks barge

Zone. in approximate

location latitude

391933" N., longitude

0743128" W., on the

Intracoastal Waterway

near Margate City,

NJ.9......... July 3rd, 4th or Metedeconk River, The waters of the

5th August every Brick Township, Metedeconk River

Thursday; NJ; Safety Zone. within a 300 yard

September 1st radius of the

Thursday. fireworks launch

platform in

approximate position

latitude 400324" N.,

longitude 0740642"

W., near the

shoreline at Brick

Township, NJ.10........ July--3rd, 4th or North Atlantic The waters of the

5th. Ocean, Atlantic North Atlantic Ocean

City, NJ; Safety within a 500 yard

Zone. radius of the

fireworks barge

located at latitude

392058" N., longitude

0742558" W., and

within 500 yard

radius of a fireworks

barge located at

latitude 392112" N.,

longitude 0742506"

W., near the

shoreline at Atlantic

City, NJ.11........ July 3rd, 4th or North Atlantic The waters of the

5th. October-- Ocean, Ocean North Atlantic Ocean

1st or 2nd City, NJ; Safety within a 500 yard

Saturday. Zone. radius of the

fireworks barge in

approximate location

latitude 391622" N.,

longitude 0743354"

W., in the vicinity

of the shoreline at

Ocean City, NJ.12........ May--4th Saturday Barnegat Bay, All waters of Barnegat

Ocean Township, Bay within a 500 yard

NJ; Safety Zone. radius of the

fireworks barge in

approximate position

latitude 394733" N.,

longitude 0741046" W.

13........ July 3rd, 4th or Little Egg All waters of Little

5th. Harbor, Parker Egg Harbor within a

Island, NJ; 500 yard radius of

Safety Zone. the fireworks barge

in approximate

position latitude

393418" N., longitude

0741443" W.,

approximately 100

yards north of

Parkers Island.14........ September--3rd Delaware River, All waters of the

Saturday. Chester, PA; Delaware River near

Safety Zone. Chester, PA just

south of the

Commodore Barry

Bridge within a 250

yard radius of the

fireworks barge

located in

approximate position

latitude 394943.2"

N., longitude

0752242" W.15........ September--3rd Delaware River, All waters of the

Saturday. Essington, PA; Delaware River near

Safety Zone. Essington, PA, west

of Little Tinicum

Island within a 250

yard radius of the

fireworks barge

located in the

approximate position

latitude 395118" N.,

longitude 0751857" W.16........ July 3rd, 4th or Delaware River, All waters of Delaware

5th; Columbus Philadelphia, River, adjacent to

Day; December PA; Safety Zone. Penns Landing,

31st, January Philadelphia, PA,

1st. bounded from

shoreline to

shoreline, bounded on

the south by a line

running east to west

from points along the

shoreline at latitude

395631.2" N.,

longitude 0750828.1"

W.; thence to

latitude 395629.1"

N., longitude

0750756.5" W., and

bounded on the north

by the Benjamin

Franklin Bridge.------------------------------------------------------------------------

(b.) Coast Guard Sector Baltimore--COTP Zone------------------------------------------------------------------------1......... April--1st or 2nd Washington All waters of the

Saturday. Channel, Upper Upper Potomac River

Potomac River, within a 500 yard

Washington, radius of the

D.C.; Safety fireworks barge in

Zone. approximate position

latitude 385220" N.,

longitude 0770117"

W., located within

the Washington

Channel in Washington

Harbor, DC.2......... July 4th Severn River and All waters of the

December--1st Spa Creek, Severn River and Spa

and 2nd Annapolis, MD; Creek within an area

Saturday; Safety Zone. bounded by a line

December 31st. drawn from latitude

385843.75" N.,

longitude 0762801.42"

W.; thence to

latitude 385821.14"

N., longitude

0762822.12" W.;

thence to latitude

385839.47" N.,

longitude 0762848.72"

W.; thence to

latitude 385853" N.,

longitude 0762833.74"

W., thence to

latitude 385857.22"

N., longitude

0762839.83" W.,

thence to latitude

385902.15" N.,

longitude 0762834.61"

W., thence to point

of origin; located

near the entrance to

Spa Creek and Severn

River, Annapolis, MD.3......... July--4th, or Middle River, All waters of the

Saturday before Baltimore Middle River within a

or after County, MD; 300 yard radius of

Independence Day Safety Zone. the fireworks barge

holiday. in approximate

position latitude

391745" N., longitude

0762349" W.,

approximately 300

yards east of

Rockaway Beach, near

Turkey Point.4......... July--1st, 2nd or Upper Potomac All waters of the

3rd Saturday. River, Upper Potomac River

Washington, within a 300 yard

D.C.; Safety radius of the

Zone. fireworks barge in

approximate position

384814" N., 0770200"

W., located near the

waterfront (King

Street) at

Alexandria, Virginia.5......... June 14th; July Northwest Harbor All waters of the

4th; September-- (East Channel), Patapsco River within

2nd Saturday; Patapsco River, a 300 yard radius of

December 31st. MD; Safety Zone. the fireworks barge

in approximate

position 391555" N.,

0763433" W., located

adjacent to the East

Channel of Northwest

Harbor.6......... May--2nd or 3rd Baltimore Inner All waters of the

Thursday or Harbor, Patapsco Patapsco River within

Friday; July River, MD; a 100 yard radius of

4th; December Safety Zone. the fireworks barge

31st. in approximate

position latitude

391701" N., longitude

0763631" W., located

at the entrance to

Baltimore Inner

Harbor, approximately

125 yards southwest

of pier 3.7......... May--2nd or 3rd Baltimore Inner The waters of the

Thursday or Harbor, Patapsco Patapsco River within

Friday; July 4th River, MD; a 100 yard radius of

December 31st.. Safety Zone. approximate position

latitude 391704" N.,

longitude 0763636"

W., located in

Baltimore Inner

Harbor, approximately

125 yards southeast

of pier 1.8......... July 4th; Northwest Harbor All waters of the

December 31st.. (West Channel) Patapsco River within

Patapsco River, a 300 yard radius of

MD; Safety Zone. the fireworks barge

in approximate

position latitude

391621" N., longitude

0763438" W., located

adjacent to the West

Channel of Northwest


9......... July--4th, or Patuxent River, All waters of the

Saturday before Calvert County, Patuxent River within

or after MD; Safety Zone. a 200 yard radius of

Independence Day the fireworks barge

holiday. located at latitude

381917" N., longitude

0762745" W.,

approximately 800

feet from shore at

Solomons Island, MD.10........ July 3rd......... Chesapeake Bay, All waters of the

Chesapeake Chesapeake Bay within

Beach, MD; a 150 yard radius of

Safety Zone. the fireworks barge

in approximate

position latitude

384136" N., longitude

0763130" W., and

within a 150 yard

radius of the

fireworks barge in

approximate position

latitude 384128" N.,

longitude 0763129"

W., located near

Chesapeake Beach,

Maryland.11........ July 4th......... Choptank River, All waters of the

Cambridge, MD; Choptank River within

Safety Zone. a 300 yard radius of

the fireworks launch

site at Great Marsh

Point, located at

latitude 383506" N.,

longitude 0760446" W.12........ July--2nd or 3rd Potomac River, All waters of the

Saturday and Fairview Beach, Potomac River within

last Saturday. Charles County, a 300 yard radius of

MD; Safety Zone. the fireworks barge

in approximate

position latitude

381957" N., longitude

0771440" W., located

north of the

shoreline at Fairview

Beach, Virginia.13........ May--last Potomac River, All waters of the

Saturday; July Charles County, Potomac River within

4th. MD; Mount an area bound by a

Vernon, Safety line drawn from the

Zone. following points:

latitude 384230" N.,

longitude 0770447"

W.; thence to

latitude 384218" N.,

longitude 0770442"

W.; thence to

latitude 384211" N.,

longitude 0770510"

W.; thence to

latitude 384222" N.,

longitude 0770512"

W.; thence to point

of origin located

along the Potomac

River shoreline at

George Washington's

Mount Vernon Estate,

Fairfax County, VA.14........ October--1st Dukeharts All waters of the

Saturday. Channel, Potomac Potomac River within

River, MD; a 300 yard radius of

Safety Zone. the fireworks barge

in approximate

position latitude

381327" N., longitude

0764448" W., located

adjacent to Dukeharts

Channel near Coltons

Point, Maryland.15........ July--day before Potomac River, All waters of the

Independence Day National Harbor, Potomac River within

holiday and July MD; Safety Zone. an area bound by a

4th; November-- line drawn from the

3rd Thursday, following points:

3rd Saturday and latitude 384713" N.,

last Friday; longitude 0770058"

December--1st, W.; thence to

2nd and 3rd latitude 384651" N.,

Friday. longitude 0770115"

W.; thence to

latitude 384725" N.,

longitude 0770133"

W.; thence to

latitude 384732" N.,

longitude 0770108"

W.; thence to the

point of origin,

located at National

Harbor, Maryland.16........ Sunday before Susquehanna All waters of the

July 4th, July River, Havre de Susquehanna River

4th.. Grace, MD; within a 300 yard

Safety Zone. radius of approximate

position latitude

393206" N., longitude

0760522" W., located

on the island at

Millard Tydings

Memorial Park.17........ June and July-- Miles River, St. All waters of the

Saturday before Michaels, MD; Miles River within a

Independence Day Safety Zone. 200 yard radius of

holiday. approximate position

latitude 384742" N.,

longitude 0761251"

W., located at the

entrance to Long Haul

Creek.18........ July 3rd......... Tred Avon River, All waters of the Tred

Oxford, MD; Avon River within a

Safety Zone. 150 yard radius of

the fireworks barge

in approximate

position latitude

384124" N., longitude

0761037" W.,

approximately 500

yards northwest of

the waterfront at

Oxford, MD.19........ July 3rd......... Northeast River, All waters of the

North East, MD; Northeast River

Safety Zone. within a 300 yard

radius of the

fireworks barge in

approximate position

latitude 393526" N.,

longitude 0755700"

W., approximately 400

yards south of North

East Community Park.20........ December 31st.... Upper Potomac All waters of the

River, Upper Potomac River

Washington, within a 300 yard

D.C.; Safety radius of the

Zone. fireworks barge in

approximate position

384838" N., 0770156"

W., located east of

Oronoco Bay Park at

Alexandria, Virginia.21........ March through Anacostia River, All waters of the

October, at the Washington, Anacostia River

conclusion of D.C.; Safety within a 150 yard

evening MLB Zone. radius of the

games at fireworks barge in

Washington approximate position

Nationals Ball latitude 385213" N.,

Park. longitude 0770016"

W., located near the

Washington Nationals

Ball Park.

22........ June--last Potomac River, All waters of the

Saturday or Prince William Potomac River within

July--1st County, VA; a 200 yard radius of

Saturday; July-- Safety Zone. the fireworks barge

3rd, 4th or last in approximate

Saturday or position latitude

Sunday. 383408" N., longitude

0771538" W., located

near Cherry Hill,

Virginia.23........ July 4th......... North Atlantic All waters of the

Ocean, Ocean North Atlantic Ocean

City, MD; Safety in an area bound by

Zone. the following points:

latitude 381939.9"

N., longitude

0750503.2" W.; thence

to latitude 381936.7"

N., longitude

0750453.5" W.; thence

to latitude 381945.6"

N., longitude

0750449.3" W.; thence

to latitude 381949.1"

N., longitude

0750500.5" W.; thence

to point of origin.

The size of the

safety zone extends

approximately 300

yards offshore from

the fireworks launch

area located at the

high water mark on

the beach.24........ May--Sunday Isle of Wight All waters of Isle of

before Memorial Bay, Ocean City, Wight Bay within a

Day (observed). MD; Safety Zone. 200 yard radius of

June 29th; July the fireworks barge

4th and July in approximate

every position latitude

Sunday.August--1 382231" N., longitude

st Sunday and 0750434" W.

Sunday before

Labor Day

(observed).25........ July 4th......... Assawoman Bay, All waters of

Fenwick Island-- Assawoman Bay within

Ocean City, MD; a 360 yard radius of

Safety Zone. the fireworks launch

location on the pier

at the West end of

Northside Park, in

approximate position

latitude 382555" N.,

longitude 0750353" W.26........ July 4th; Baltimore Harbor, All waters of

December 31st.. Baltimore Inner Baltimore Harbor,

Harbor, MD; Patapsco River,

Safety Zone. within a 280 yard

radius of a fireworks

barge in approximate

position latitude

391636.7" N.,

longitude 0763553.8"

W., located northwest

of the Domino Sugar

refinery wharf at

Baltimore, Maryland.------------------------------------------------------------------------

(c.) Coast Guard Sector Hampton Roads--COTP Zone------------------------------------------------------------------------1......... July 4th......... Linkhorn Bay, All waters of the

Virginia Beach, Linkhorn Bay within a

VA; Safety Zone. 400 yard radius of

the fireworks display

in approximate

position latitude

365220" N., longitude

0760038" W., located

near the Cavalier

Golf and Yacht Club,

Virginia Beach,

Virginia.2......... September--last York River, West All waters of the York

Friday or Point, VA; River near West

October--1st Safety Zone. Point, VA within a

Friday. 400 yard radius of

the fireworks display

located in

approximate position

latitude 373125" N.,

longitude 0764719" W.3......... July 4th......... York River, All waters of the York

Yorktown, VA; River within a 400

Safety Zone. yard radius of the

fireworks display in

approximate position

latitude 371414" N.,

longitude 0763002"

W., located near

Yorktown, Virginia.4......... July 4th, July James River, All waters of the

5th, July 6th, Newport News, James River within a

or July 7th. VA; Safety Zone. 325 yard radius of

the fireworks barge

in approximate

position latitude

365830" N., longitude

0762619" W., located

in the vicinity of

the Newport News

Shipyard, Newport

News, Virginia.5......... June--4th Friday; Chesapeake Bay, All waters of the

July--1st Norfolk, VA; Chesapeake Bay within

Friday; July 4th. Safety Zone. a 400 yard radius of

the fireworks display

located in position

latitude 365721" N.,

longitude 0761500"

W., located near

Ocean View Fishing

Pier.6......... July 4th or 5th.. Chesapeake Bay, All waters of the

Virginia Beach, Chesapeake Bay 400

VA; Safety Zone. yard radius of the

fireworks display in

approximate position

latitude 365502" N.,

longitude 0760327"

W., located at the

First Landing State

Park at Virginia

Beach, Virginia.

7......... July 4th; Elizabeth River, All waters of the

December 31st; Southern Branch, Elizabeth River

January--1st. Norfolk, VA; Southern Branch in an

Safety Zone. area bound by the

following points:

latitude 365054.8"

N., longitude

0761810.7" W.; thence

to latitude 36517.9"

N., longitude

0761801" W.; thence

to latitude 365045.6"

N., longitude

0761744.2" W.; thence

to latitude 365029.6"

N., longitude

0761723.2" W.; thence

to latitude 36507.7"

N., longitude

0761732.3" W.; thence

to latitude 364958"

N., longitude

0761728.6" W.; thence

to latitude 364952.6"

N., longitude

0761743.8" W.; thence

to latitude 365027.2"

N., longitude

0761745.3" W. thence

to the point of

origin.8......... July--3rd John H. Kerr All waters of John H.

Saturday. Reservoir, Kerr Reservoir within

Clarksville, VA; a 400 yard radius of

Safety Zone. approximate position

latitude 363751" N.,

longitude 0783250"

W., located near the

center span of the

State Route 15

Highway Bridge.9......... June, July, North Atlantic All waters of the

August, Ocean, Virginia North Atlantic Ocean

September, and Beach, VA; within a 1000 yard

October--every Safety Zone A. radius of the center

Wednesday, located near the

Thursday, shoreline at

Friday, Saturday approximate position

and Sunday July latitude 365112" N.,

4th. longitude 0755806"

W., located off the

beach between 17th

and 31st streets.10........ September--last North Atlantic All waters of the

Saturday or Ocean, VA Beach, North Atlantic Ocean

October--1st VA; Safety Zone within a 350 yard

Saturday. B. radius of approximate

position latitude

365035" N., longitude

0755809" W., located

on the 14th Street

Fishing Pier.11........ Friday, Saturday North Atlantic All waters of the

and Sunday Labor Ocean, VA Beach, North Atlantic Ocean

Day Weekend. VA; Safety Zone within a 350 yard

C. radius of approximate

position latitude

364955" N., longitude

0755800" W., located

off the beach between

2nd and 6th streets.12........ July 4th......... Nansemond River, All waters of the

Suffolk, VA; Nansemond River

Safety Zone. within a 350 yard

radius of approximate

position latitude

364427" N., longitude

0763442" W., located

near Constant's Wharf

in Suffolk, VA.13........ July 4th......... Chickahominy All waters of the

River, Chickahominy River

Williamsburg, within a 400 yard

VA; Safety Zone. radius of the

fireworks display in

approximate position

latitude 371450" N.,

longitude 0765217"

W., near Barrets

Point, Virginia.14........ July--3rd, 4th Great Wicomico All waters of the

and 5th. River, Mila, VA; Great Wicomico River

Safety Zone. located within a 420

foot radius of the

fireworks display at

approximate position

latitude 375031" N.,

longitude 0761942" W.

near Mila, Virginia.15........ July--1st Friday, Cockrell's Creek, All waters of

Saturday and Reedville, VA; Cockrell's Creek

Sunday. Safety Zone. located within a 420

foot radius of the

fireworks display at

approximate position

latitude 374954" N.,

longitude 0761644" W.

near Reedville,

Virginia.16........ May--last Sunday. James River, All waters of the

Richmond, VA; James River located

Safety Zone. within a 420 foot

radius of the

fireworks display at

approximate position

latitude 373113.1"

N., longitude

0772507.84" W. near

Richmond, Virginia.17........ June--last Rappahannock All waters of the

Saturday. River, Rappahannock River

Tappahannock, located within a 400

VA; Safety Zone. foot radius of the

fireworks display at

approximate position

latitude 375512" N.,

longitude 0764912" W.

near Tappahannock,

Virginia.18........ July 4th......... Cape Charles All waters of Cape

Harbor, Cape Charles Harbor

Charles, VA; located within a 375

Safety Zone. foot radius of the

fireworks display at

approximate position

latitude 371546.5"

N., longitude

0760130.3" W. near

Cape Charles,

Virginia.19........ July 3rd or 4th.. Pagan River, All waters of the

Smithfield, VA; Pagan River located

Safety Zone. within a 420 foot

radius of the

fireworks display at

approximate position

latitude 365918" N.,

longitude 0763745" W.

near Smithfield,

Virginia.20........ July 4th......... Sandbridge All waters of

Shores, Virginia Sandbridge Shores

Beach, VA; located within a 300

Safety Zone. foot radius of the

fireworks display at

approximate position

latitude 364324.9"

N., longitude

0755624.9" W. near

Virginia Beach,

Virginia.21........ July 4th, 5th or Chesapeake Bay, All waters of

6th. Virginia Beach, Chesapeake Bay

VA; Safety Zone. located within a 600

foot radius of the

fireworks display at

approximate position

latitude 365458.18"

N., longitude

0760644.3" W. near

Virginia Beach,


22........ July 3rd, 4th and Urbanna Creek, All waters of Urbanna

5th. Urbanna, VA; Creek within a 350

Safety Zone. foot radius of the

fireworks launch site

at latitude 373809"

N., longitude

0763403" W., located

on land near the east

shoreline of Urbanna

Creek and south of

Bailey Point.23........ April-August, Elizabeth River All waters of the

every Friday and Eastern Branch, Eastern Branch of

Saturday; July Norfolk, VA; Elizabeth River

2nd, 3rd, 4th Safety Zone. within the area along

and 5th; and the shoreline

Friday, Saturday immediately adjacent

and Sunday of to Harbor Park

Labor day Stadium ball park and

weekend. outward into the

river bound by a line

drawn from latitude

365029.65" N.,

longitude 0761648.9"

W., thence south to

365028.79" N.,

longitude 0761649.12"

W., thence east to

365026.74" N.,

longitude 0761639.54"

W., thence north to

365027.7" N.,

longitude 0761639.36"

W. terminating at the

SW. corner of Harbor

Park finger pier.------------------------------------------------------------------------

(d.) Coast Guard Sector North Carolina--COTP Zone------------------------------------------------------------------------1......... July 4th; Morehead City All waters of the

October--1st Harbor Channel, Morehead City Harbor

Saturday. NC; Safety Zone. Channel that fall

within a 360 yard

radius of latitude

344301" N., longitude

0764259.6" W., a

position located at

the west end of Sugar

Loaf Island, NC.2......... April--2nd Cape Fear River, All waters of the Cape

Saturday; July Wilmington, NC; Fear River within an

4th; August--3rd Safety Zone. area bound by a line

Monday; October-- drawn from the

1st Saturday. following points:

latitude 341354" N.,

longitude 0775706"

W.; thence northeast

to latitude 341357"

N., longitude

0775705" W.; thence

north to latitude

341411" N., longitude

0775707" W.; thence

northwest to latitude

341422" N., longitude

0775719" W.; thence

east to latitude

341422" N., longitude

0775706" W.; thence

southeast to latitude

341407" N., longitude

0775700" W.; thence

south to latitude

341354" N., longitude

0775658" W.; thence

to the point of

origin, located

approximately 500

yards north of Cape

Fear Memorial Bridge.3......... July--1st Green Creek and All waters of Green

Saturday and Smith Creek, Creek and Smith Creek

July 4th. Oriental, NC; that fall within a

Safety Zone. 300 yard radius of

the fireworks launch

site at latitude

350129.6" N.,

longitude 0764210.4"

W., located near the

entrance to the Neuse

River in the vicinity

of Oriental, NC.4......... July 4th......... Pasquotank River, All waters of the

Elizabeth City, Pasquotank River

NC; Safety Zone. within a 300 yard

radius of the

fireworks launch

barge in approximate

position latitude

361747" N., longitude

0761217" W., located

approximately 400

yards north of

Cottage Point, NC.5......... July 4th, or July Currituck Sound, All waters of the

5th. Corolla, NC; Currituck Sound

Safety Zone. within a 300 yard

radius of the

fireworks launch site

in approximate

position latitude

362223.8" N.,

longitude 0754956.3",

located near Whale

Head Bay.6......... July 4th; Middle Sound, All waters of the

November--3rd Figure Eight Figure Eight Island

Saturday. Island, NC; Causeway Channel from

Safety Zone. latitude 341632" N.,

longitude 0774532"

W., thence east along

the marsh to a

position located at

latitude 341619" N.,

longitude 0774455"

W., thence south to

the causeway at

position latitude

341616" N., longitude

0774458" W., thence

west along the

shoreline to position

latitude 341629" N.,

longitude 0774534"

W., thence back to

the point of origin.7......... June--2nd Pamlico River, All waters of Pamlico

Saturday; July Washington, NC; River and Tar River

4th. Safety Zone. within a 300 yard

radius of latitude

353225" N., longitude

0770342" W., a

position located on

the southwest shore

of the Pamlico River,

Washington, NC.8......... July 4th......... Neuse River, New All waters of the

Bern, NC; Safety Neuse River within a

Zone. 360 yard radius of

the fireworks barge

in approximate

position latitude

350607.1" N.,

longitude 0770135.8"

W.; located 420 yards

north of the New

Bern, Twin Span, high-

rise bridge.

9......... July 4th......... Edenton Bay, All waters within a

Edenton, NC; 300 yard radius of

Safety Zone. position latitude

360304" N., longitude

0763618" W.,

approximately 150

yards south of the

entrance to Queen

Anne Creek, Edenton,

NC.10........ July 4th Motts Channel, All waters of Motts

November--Saturd Banks Channel, Channel within a 500

ay following Wrightsville yard radius of the

Thanksgiving Day. Beach, NC; fireworks launch site

Safety Zone. in approximate

position latitude

341229" N., longitude

0774827" W.,

approximately 560

yards south of Sea

Path Marina,

Wrightsville Beach,

NC.11........ July 4th......... Cape Fear River, All waters of the Cape

Southport, NC; Fear River within a

Safety Zone. 600 yard radius of

the fireworks barge

in approximate

position latitude

335440" N., longitude

0780118" W.,

approximately 700

yards south of the

waterfront at

Southport, NC.12........ July 4th......... Big Foot Slough, All waters of Big Foot

Ocracoke, NC; Slough within a 300

Safety Zone. yard radius of the

fireworks launch site

in approximate

position latitude

350654" N., longitude

0755924" W.,

approximately 100

yards west of the

Silver Lake Entrance

Channel at Ocracoke,

NC.13........ August--1st New River, All waters of the New

Tuesday. Jacksonville, River within a 300

NC; Safety Zone. yard radius of the

fireworks launch site

in approximate

position latitude

344445" N., longitude

0772618" W.,

approximately one

half mile south of

the Hwy 17 Bridge,

Jacksonville, North

Carolina.14........ July 4th......... Pantego Creek, All waters on the

Belhaven, NC; Pantego Creek within

Safety Zone. a 600 foot radius of

the launch site on

land at position

353235" N., 0763746"

W.15........ July 4th......... Atlantic All waters of the

Intracoastal Atlantic Intracoastal

Waterway, Waterway within a 300

Swansboro, NC; yard radius of

Safety Zone. approximate position

latitude 344102" N.,

longitude 0770704"

W., located on

Pelican Island.16........ September--4th or Shallowbag Bay, All waters of

last Saturday. Manteo, NC; Shallowbag Bay within

Safety Zone. a 200 yard radius of

a fireworks barge

anchored at latitude

355431" N., longitude

0753942" W.17........ May--3rd Saturday Pasquotank River; All waters of the

Elizabeth City, Pasquotank River

NC; Safety Zone. within a 300 yard

radius of the

fireworks barge at

latitude 361747" N.,

longitude 0761217"

W., located north of

Cottage Point at the

shoreline of the

Pasquotank River.18........ October--2nd Atlantic All waters of the

Saturday. Intracoastal Atlantic Intracoastal

Waterway; Bogue Waterway within a 300

Inlet, yard radius of the

Swansboro, NC; fireworks launch site

Safety Zone. at latitude 344102"

N., longitude

0770704" W., located

at Bogue Inlet, near

Swansboro, NC.------------------------------------------------------------------------ [USCG-2011-0118, 77 FR 16932, Mar. 23, 2012, as amended by USCG-2012-0970, 78 FR 29641, May 21, 2013; USCG-2013-0251, 78 FR 73441, Dec. 6, 2013; USCG-2014-0095, 79 FR 30037, May 27, 2014; 79 FR 42206, July 21, 2014; USCG-2014-1011, 80 FR 20430, Apr. 16, 2015]