(a) Location. A 500-yard radius around escorted passenger vessels in the Captain of the Port, Delaware Bay zone as defined in 33 CFR 3.25-05.
(b) Regulations. (1) All persons are required to comply with the general regulations governing security zones in Sec. 165.33 of this part.
(1) All persons are required to comply with the general regulations governing security zones in Sec. 165.33 of this part.
(2) All persons or vessels operating at the minimum safe speed necessary to maintain navigation may transit within 500 yards of an escorted passenger vessel without the permission of the Captain of the Port Delaware Bay, PA or designated representative while the escorted passenger vessel is in the Captain of the Port Delaware Bay zone.
(3) No person or vessel may transit or remain within 100 yards of an escorted passenger vessel without the permission of the Captain of the Port Delaware Bay or designated representative while the passenger vessel is in the Captain of the Port Philadelphia zone.
(4) Any person or vessel authorized to enter the security zone must operate in strict conformance with any directions given by the Captain of the Port Delaware Bay or designated representative and leave the security zone immediately if the Captain of the Port Delaware Bay or designated representative so orders.
(5) When an escorted passenger vessel approaches within 100 yards of any vessel that is moored or anchored, the stationary vessel must stay moored or anchored while it remains within 100 yards of the passenger vessel unless it is either ordered by or given permission by the Captain of the Port, Delaware Bay or designated representative to do otherwise.
(6) The Coast Guard designated representative enforcing this section can be contacted on VHF Marine Band Radio, channels 13 and 16. The Captain of the Port can be contacted at (215) 271-4807.
(c) Maneuver-restricted vessels. When conditions permit, the Captain of the Port or designated representative should:
(1) Permit vessels constrained by their navigational draft or restricted in their ability to maneuver to pass within the 100 yards of the passenger vessel in order to ensure safe passage in accordance with the Navigation Rules as seen in 33 CFR chapter I, subchapters D and E; and
(2) Permit vessels constrained by their navigational draft or restricted in their ability to maneuver that must transit via a navigable channel or waterway to pass within 100 yards of an anchored passenger vessel.
(d) Definitions. As used in this section--
Captain of the Port means the Commanding Officer of the Coast Guard Sector Delaware Bay or any Coast Guard commissioned, warrant, or petty officer who has been authorized by the Captain of the Port to act as a designated representative on his behalf.
Escort means assets (surface or air) with the Coast Guard insignia that accompany and protect the escorted vessel, armed with crew-served weapons that are manned and ready.
Passenger vessels means vessels greater than 100 feet in length, over 100 gross tons that are authorized to carry 500 or more passengers, making voyages lasting more than 24 hours, except for ferries. [CGD05-04-047, 69 FR 56697, Sept. 22, 2004]