(a) Lake Huron. The following are regulated navigation areas:
(1) The waters of Lake Huron known as South Channel between Bois Blanc Island and Cheboygan, Michigan; bounded by a line north from Cheyboygan Crib Light (LL-1340) at 453948" N, 842736" W; to Bois Blanc Island at 454342" N, 842736" W; and a line north from the mainland at 454300" N, 843530" W; to the western tangent of Bois Blanc Island at 454842" N, 843530" W.
(2) The waters of Lake Huron between Mackinac Island and St. Ignace, Michigan, bounded by a line east from position 455212" N, 844300" W; to Mackinac Island at 455212" N, 843900" W; and a line east from the mainland at 455312" N, 844330" W; to the northern tangent of Mackinac Island at 455312" N, 843848" W.
(b) Lake Michigan. The following is a regulated navigation area--The waters of Lake Michigan known as Gray's Reef Passage bounded by a line from Gray's Reef Light (LL-2006) at 454600" N, 850912" W; to White Shoals Light (LL-2003) at 455030" N, 850806" W; to a point at 454912" N, 850448" W; then to a point at 454542" N, 850842" W; then to the point of beginning.
(c) Regulations. The COTP, Sault Ste. Marie, will close and open these regulated navigation areas as ice conditions dictate. Under normal seasonal conditions, only one closing each winter and one opening each spring are anticipated. Prior to the closing or opening of the regulated navigation areas, the COTP will give interested parties, including both shipping interests and island residents, not less than 72 hours notice of the action. No vessel may navigate in a regulated navigation area which has been closed by the COTP. Under emergency conditions, the COTP may authorize specific vessels to navigate in a closed regulated navigation area. [CGD 79-034, 47 FR 29660, July 8, 1982, as amended by CGD 79-026, 48 FR 35408, Aug. 4, 1983]