(a) Regulations. The following regulations apply to the safety zones listed in Table 165.929 of this section.
(1) The general regulations in Sec. 165.23.
(2) All vessels must obtain permission from the Captain of the Port Lake Michigan or his or her designated representative to enter, move within, or exit a safety zone established in this section when the safety zone is enforced. Vessels and persons granted permission to enter one of the safety zones listed in this section must obey all lawful orders or directions of the Captain of the Port Lake Michigan or his or her designated representative. Upon being hailed by the U.S. Coast Guard by siren, radio, flashing light or other means, the operator of a vessel must proceed as directed.
(3) The enforcement dates and times for each of the safety zones listed in Table 165.929 of this section are subject to change, but the duration of enforcement would remain the same or nearly the same total number of hours as stated in the table. In the event of a change, the Captain of the Port Lake Michigan will provide notice to the public by publishing a Notice of Enforcement in the Federal Register, as well as, issuing a Broadcast Notice to Mariners.
(b) Definitions. The following definitions apply to this section:
(1) Designated representative means any Coast Guard commissioned, warrant, or petty officer designated by the Captain of the Port Lake Michigan to monitor a safety zone, permit entry into a safety zone, give legally enforceable orders to persons or vessels within a safety zone, and take other actions authorized by the Captain of the Port Lake Michigan.
(2) Public vessel means a vessel that is owned, chartered, or operated by the United States, or by a State or political subdivision thereof.
(3) Rain date refers to an alternate date and/or time in which the safety zone would be enforced in the event of inclement weather.
(c) Suspension of enforcement. The Captain of the Port Lake Michigan may suspend enforcement of any of these zones earlier than listed in this section. Should the Captain of the Port suspend any of these zones earlier than the listed duration in this section, he or she may make the public aware of this suspension by Broadcast Notice to Mariners and/or on-scene notice by his or her designated representative.
(d) Exemption. Public vessels, as defined in paragraph (b) of this section, are exempt from the requirements in this section.
(e) Waiver. For any vessel, the Captain of the Port Lake Michigan or his or her designated representative may waive any of the requirements of this section upon finding that operational conditions or other circumstances are such that application of this section is unnecessary or impractical for the purposes of safety or security.
Table 165.929------------------------------------------------------------------------
Enforcement date and
Event Location time \2\------------------------------------------------------------------------
(a) March Safety Zones------------------------------------------------------------------------(1) St. Patrick's Day Manitowoc, WI. All The third Saturday
Fireworks. waters of the of March; 5:30 p.m.
Manitowoc River to 7 p.m.
within the arc of a
circle with a 250-
foot radius from a
center point launch
position at
4405.492 N.,
08739.332 W.(2) Public Fireworks Display Green Bay, WI. All March 15; 11:50 a.m.
waters of the Fox to 12:30 p.m. Rain
River in the date: March 16;
vicinity of the 11:50 a.m. to 12:30
Main Street and p.m.
Walnut Street
Bridge within an
area bounded by the
4431.211 N., 088
00.833 W.; then
southwest along the
river bank to
4430.944 N.,
08801.159 W.; then
southeast to
4430.890 N.,
08801.016 W.; then
northeast along the
river bank to
4431.074 N.,
08800.866 W.; then
northwest returning
to the point of
(b) April Safety Zones------------------------------------------------------------------------(1) Michigan Aerospace Muskegon, MI. All The last Saturday of
Challenge Sport Rocket waters of Muskegon April; 8 a.m. to 4
Launch. Lake, near the West p.m.
Michigan Dock and
Market Corp
facility, within
the arc of a circle
with a 1500-yard
radius from the
rocket launch site
located in position
4314.018 N.,
08615.585 W.(2) Lubbers Cup Regatta..... Spring Lake, MI. All April 11; 7:45 a.m.
waters of Spring to 7 p.m., and
Lake in Spring April 12; 8:30 a.m.
Lake, Michigan in to 12:30 p.m.
the vicinity of
Keenan Marina
within a rectangle
that is
approximately 6,300
by 300 feet. The
rectangle will be
bounded by points
beginning at
4304.914 N.,
08612.525 W.; then
east to 4304.958
N., 08611.104 W.;
then south to
4304.913 N.,
08611.096 W.; then
west to 4304.867
N., 08612.527 W.;
then north back to
the point of origin.------------------------------------------------------------------------
(c) May Safety Zones------------------------------------------------------------------------(1) Tulip Time Festival Holland, MI. All The first Saturday
Fireworks. waters of Lake of May; 9:30 p.m.
Macatawa, near to 11:30 p.m. Rain
Kollen Park, within date: The first
the arc of a circle Friday of May; 9:30
with a 1000-foot p.m. to 11:30 p.m.
radius from the
fireworks launch
site in approximate
center position
4247.496 N.,
08607.348 W.(2) Cochrane Cup............ Blue Island, IL. All The first Saturday
waters of the of May; 6:30 a.m.
Calumet Saganashkee to 5 p.m.
Channel from the
South Halstead
Street Bridge at
4139.442 N.,
08738.474 W.; to
the Crawford Avenue
Bridge at 4139.078
N., 08743.127 W.;
and the Little
Calumet River from
the Ashland Avenue
Bridge at 4139.098
N., 08739.626 W.;
to the junction of
the Calumet
Saganashkee Channel
at 4139.373 N.,
08739.026 W.(3) Rockets for Schools Sheboygan, WI. All The first Saturday
Rocket Launch. waters of Lake of May; 8 a.m. to 5
Michigan and p.m.
Sheboygan Harbor,
near the Sheboygan
South Pier, within
the arc of a circle
with a 1500-yard
radius from the
rocket launch site
located with its
center in position
4344.914 N.,
08741.869 W.(4) Celebrate De Pere De Pere, WI. All The Saturday or
Fireworks. waters of the Fox Sunday before
River, near Memorial Day; 8:30
Voyageur Park, p.m. to 10 p.m.
within the arc of a
circle with a 500
foot radius from
the fireworks
launch site located
in position
4427.167 N.,
08803.833 W.------------------------------------------------------------------------
(d) June Safety Zones------------------------------------------------------------------------(1) International Bayfest... Green Bay, WI. All The second Friday of
waters of the Fox June; 9 p.m. to 11
River, near the p.m.
Western Lime
Company 1.13 miles
above the head of
the Fox River,
within the arc of a
circle with a 1,000-
foot radius from
the fireworks
launch site located
in position
4431.408 N.,
08800.710 W.(2) Harborfest Music and Racine, WI. All Friday and Saturday
Family Festival. waters of Lake of the third
Michigan and Racine complete weekend of
Harbor, near the June; 9 p.m. to 11
Racine Launch Basin p.m. each day.
Entrance Light,
within the arc of a
circle with a 200-
foot radius from
the fireworks
launch site located
in position
4243.722 N.,
08746.673 W.(3) Spring Lake Heritage Spring Lake, MI. All The third Saturday
Festival Fireworks. waters of the Grand of June; 9 p.m. to
River within the 11 p.m.
arc of a circle
with a 700-foot
radius from a barge
in center position
4304.375 N.,
08612.401 W.(4) Elberta Solstice Elberta, MI. All The last Saturday of
Festival. waters of Betsie June; 9 p.m. to 11
Lake within the arc p.m.
of a circle with a
500-foot radius
from the fireworks
launch site located
in approximate
center position
4437.607 N.,
08613.977 W.(5) World War II Beach St. Joseph, MI. All The last Saturday of
Invasion Re-enactment. waters of Lake June; 8 a.m. to 2
Michigan in the p.m.
vicinity of
Tiscornia Park in
St. Joseph, MI
beginning at
4206.918 N.,
08629.421 W.; then
along the north
breakwater to
4206.980 N.,
08629.682 W.; then
northwest 100 yards
to 4207.018 N.,
08629.728 W.; then
northeast 2,243
yards to 4207.831
N., 08628.721 W.;
then southeast to
the shoreline at
4207.646 N.,
08628.457 W.; then
southwest along the
shoreline to the
point of origin.
(6) Ephraim Fireworks....... Ephraim, WI. All The third Saturday
waters of Eagle of June; 9 p.m. to
Harbor and Lake 11 p.m.
Michigan within the
arc of a circle
with a 750-foot
radius from the
fireworks launch
site located on a
barge in position
4509.304 N.,
08710.844 W.(7) Thunder on the Fox...... Elgin, IL. All Friday, Saturday,
waters of the Fox and Sunday of the
River from the third weekend in
Kimball Street June; 10 a.m. to 7
bridge, located at p.m. each day.
position 4202.499
N., 08817.367 W.,
then 1250 yards
north to a line
crossing the river
running through
position 4203.101
N., 08817.461 W.(8) Olde Ellison Bay Days Ellison Bay, WI. All The fourth Saturday
Fireworks. waters of Green of June; 9 p.m. to
Bay, in the 10 p.m.
vicinity of Ellison
Bay Wisconsin,
within the arc of a
circle with a 400-
foot radius from
the fireworks
launch site located
on a barge in
approximate center
position 4515.595
N., 08705.043 W.(9) Sheboygan Harborfest Sheboygan, WI. All June 15; 8:45 p.m.
Fireworks. waters of Lake to 10:45 p.m.
Michigan and
Sheboygan Harbor
within the arc of a
circle with a 1000-
foot radius from
the fireworks
launch site located
in position
4344.914 N.,
08741.897 W.------------------------------------------------------------------------
(e) July Safety Zones------------------------------------------------------------------------(1) Town of Porter Fireworks Porter IN. All The first Saturday
Display. waters of Lake of July; 8:45 p.m.
Michigan within the to 9:30 p.m.
arc of a circle
with a 1000 foot
radius from the
fireworks launch
site located in
center position
4139.927 N.,
08703.933 W.(2) City of Menasha 4th of Menasha, WI. All July 4; 9 p.m. to
July Fireworks. waters of Lake 10:30 p.m.
Winnebago and the
Fox River within
the arc of a circle
with an 800-foot
radius from the
fireworks launch
site located in
center position
4412.231 N.,
08825.524 W.(3) Pentwater July Third Pentwater, MI. All July 3; 9 p.m. to 11
Fireworks. waters of Lake p.m. Rain date:
Michigan and the July 4; 9 p.m. to
Pentwater Channel 11 p.m.
within the arc of a
circle with a 1,000-
foot radius from
the fireworks
launch site located
in position
4346.942 N.,
08626.625 W.(4) Taste of Chicago Chicago, IL. All July 3; 9 p.m. to 11
Fireworks. waters of Monroe p.m. Rain date:
Harbor and Lake July 4; 9 p.m. to
Michigan bounded by 11 p.m.
a line drawn from
4153.380 N.,
08735.978 W.; then
southeast to
4153.247 N.,
08735.434 W.; then
south to 4152.809
N., 08735.434 W.;
then southwest to
4152.453 N.,
08736.611 W.; then
north to 4153.247
N., 08736.573 W.;
then northeast
returning to the
point of origin.(5) St. Joseph Fourth of St. Joseph, MI. All July 4; 9 p.m. to 11
July Fireworks. waters of Lake p.m. Rain date:
Michigan and the July 5; 9 p.m. to
St. Joseph River 11 p.m.
within the arc of a
circle with a 1000-
foot radius from
the fireworks
launch site in
position 4206.867
N., 086 29.463 W.(6) US Bank Fireworks....... Milwaukee, WI. All July 3; 9 p.m. to 11
waters and adjacent p.m. Rain date:
shoreline of July 4; 9 p.m. to
Milwaukee Harbor, 11 p.m.
in the vicinity of
Veteran's park,
within the arc of a
circle with a 1,200-
foot radius from
the center of the
fireworks launch
site which is
located on a barge
in approximate
position 4302.362
N., 08753.485 W.
(7) Manistee Independence Manistee, MI. All July 3; 9 p.m. to 11
Day Fireworks. waters of Lake p.m. Rain date:
Michigan, in the July 4; 9 p.m. to
vicinity of the 11 p.m.
First Street Beach,
within the arc of a
circle with a 1,000-
foot radius from
the fireworks
launch site located
in position
4414.854 N.,
08620.757 W.(8) Frankfort Independence Frankfort, MI. All July 4; 9 p.m. to 11
Day Fireworks. waters of Lake p.m. Rain date:
Michigan and July 5; 9 p.m. to
Frankfort Harbor, 11 p.m.
bounded by a line
drawn from 4438.100
N., 08614.826 W.;
then south to
4437.613 N.,
08614.802 W.; then
west to 4437.613
N., 08615.263 W.;
then north to
4438.094 N.,
08615.263 W.(9) Freedom Festival Ludington, MI. All July 4; 9 p.m. to 11
Fireworks. waters of Lake p.m. Rain date:
Michigan and July 5; 9 p.m. to
Ludington Harbor 11 p.m.
within the arc of a
circle with a 800-
foot radius from
the fireworks
launch site located
in position
4357.171 N.,
08627.718 W.(10) White Lake Independence Montague, MI. All July 4; 9:30 p.m. to
Day Fireworks. waters of White 11:30 p.m. Rain
Lake within the arc date: July 5; 9:30
of a circle with an p.m. to 11:30 p.m.
800-foot radius
from a center
position at
4324.621 N.,
08621.463 W.(11) Muskegon Summer Muskegon, MI. All July 4; 9 p.m. to 11
Celebration July Fourth waters of Muskegon p.m. Rain date:
Fireworks. Lake, in the July 5; 9 p.m. to
vicinity of 11 p.m.
Hartshorn Municipal
Marina, within the
arc of a circle
with a 700-foot
radius from a
center position at
4314.039 N.,
08615.793 W.(12) Grand Haven Jaycees Grand Haven, MI. All July 4; 9 p.m. to
Annual Fourth of July waters of the Grand 11:30 p.m. Rain
Fireworks. River within the date: July 5; 9
arc of a circle p.m. to 11:30 p.m.
with a 800-foot
radius from the
fireworks launch
site located on the
west bank of the
Grand River in
position 433.908
N., 08614.240 W.(13) Celebration Freedom Holland, MI. All The Saturday prior
Fireworks. waters of Lake to July 4; 9 p.m.
Macatawa in the to 11 p.m. Rain
vicinity of Kollen date: July 4; 9
Park within the arc p.m. to 11 p.m.
of a circle with a
2000-foot radius of
a center launch
position at
4247.440 N.,
08607.621 W.(14) Van Andel Fireworks Holland, MI. All July 4; 9 p.m. to 11
Show. waters of Lake p.m. Raindate: July
Michigan and the 3; 9 p.m. to 11
Holland Channel p.m.
within the arc of a
circle with a 1000-
foot radius from
the fireworks
launch site located
in approximate
position 4246.351
N., 08612.710 W.(15) Saugatuck Independence Saugatuck, MI. All July 4; 9 p.m. to 11
Day Fireworks. waters of Kalamazoo p.m. Rain date:
Lake within the arc July 5; 9 p.m. to
of a circle with a 11 p.m.
500-foot radius
from the fireworks
launch site in
center position
4239.074 N.,
08612.285 W.(16) South Haven Fourth of South Haven, MI. All July 3; 9:30 p.m. to
July Fireworks. waters of Lake 11:30 p.m.
Michigan and the
Black River within
the arc of a circle
with a 1000-foot
radius from the
fireworks launch
site located in
center position
4224.125 N.,
08617.179 W.(17) Town of Dune Acres Dune Acres, IN. All The first Saturday
Independence Day Fireworks. waters of Lake of July; 8:45 p.m.
Michigan within the to 10:30 p.m.
arc of a circle
with a 700-foot
radius from the
fireworks launch
site located in
position 4139.303
N., 08705.239 W.(18) Gary Fourth of July Gary, IN. All waters July 4; 9 p.m. to 11
Fireworks. of Lake Michigan, p.m. Rain date:
approximately 2.5 July 5; 9 p.m. to
miles east of Gary 11 p.m.
Harbor, within the
arc of a circle
with a 500-foot
radius from the
fireworks launch
site located in
position 4137.322
N., 08714.509 W.
(19) Joliet Independence Day Joliet, IL. All July 3; 9 p.m. to 11
Celebration Fireworks. waters of the Des p.m. Rain date:
Plains River, at July 4; 9 p.m. to
mile 288, within 11 p.m.
the arc of a circle
with a 500-foot
radius from the
fireworks launch
site located in
position 4131.522
N., 08805.244 W.(20) Glencoe Fourth of July Glencoe, IL. All July 4; 9 p.m. to 11
Celebration Fireworks. waters of Lake p.m. Rain date:
Michigan in the July 5; 9 p.m. to
vicinity of Lake 11 p.m.
Front Park, within
the arc of a circle
with a 500-foot
radius from a barge
in position
4208.404 N.,
08744.930 W.(21) Lakeshore Country Club Glencoe, IL. All July 4; 9 p.m. to 11
Independence Day Fireworks. waters of Lake p.m. Rain date:
Michigan within the July 5; 9 p.m. to
arc of a circle 11 p.m.
with a 600-foot
radius from a
center point
fireworks launch
site in approximate
position 4209.130
N., 08745.530 W.(22) Shore Acres Country Lake Bluff, IL. All July 4; 9 p.m. to 11
Club Independence Day waters of Lake p.m. Rain date:
Fireworks. Michigan within the July 5; 9 p.m. to
arc of a circle 11 p.m.
with a 600-foot
radius from
position 4217.847
N., 08749.837 W.(23) Kenosha Independence Kenosha, WI. All July 4; 9 p.m. to 11
Day Fireworks. waters of Lake p.m. Rain date:
Michigan and July 5; 9 p.m. to
Kenosha Harbor 11 p.m.
within the arc of a
circle with a 1000-
foot radius from
the fireworks
launch site located
in position
4235.283 N.,
08748.450 W.(24) Fourthfest of Greater Racine, WI. All July 4; 9 p.m. to 11
Racine Fireworks. waters of Racine p.m. Rain date:
Harbor and Lake July 5; 9 p.m. to
Michigan within the 11 p.m.
arc of a circle
with a 900-foot
radius from a
center point
position at
4244.259 N.,
08746.635 W.(25) Sheboygan Fourth of Sheboygan, WI. All July 4; 9 p.m. to 11
July Celebration Fireworks. waters of Lake p.m. Rain date:
Michigan and July 5; 9 p.m. to
Sheboygan Harbor, 11 p.m.
in the vicinity of
the south pier,
within the arc of a
circle with a 1000-
foot radius from
the fireworks
launch site located
in position
4344.917 N.,
08741.850 W.(26) Manitowoc Independence Manitowoc, WI. All July 4; 9 p.m. to 11
Day Fireworks. waters of Lake p.m. Rain date:
Michigan and July 5; 9 p.m. to
Manitowoc Harbor, 11 p.m.
in the vicinity of
south breakwater,
within the arc of a
circle with a 1000-
foot radius from
the fireworks
launch site located
in position
4405.395 N.,
08738.751 W.(27) Sturgeon Bay Sturgeon Bay, WI. July 4; 9 p.m. to 11
Independence Day Fireworks. All waters of p.m. Rain date:
Sturgeon Bay, in July 5; 9 p.m. to
the vicinity of 11 p.m.
Sunset Park, within
the arc of a circle
with a 1000-foot
radius from the
fireworks launch
site located on a
barge in position
4450.617 N.,
08723.300 W.(28) Fish Creek Independence Fish Creek, WI. All The first Saturday
waters of Green after July 4; 9
Bay, in the p.m. to 11 p.m.
vicinity of Fish Rain date: The
Creek Harbor, first Sunday after
within the arc of a July 4; 9 p.m. to
circle with a 1000- 11 p.m.
foot radius from
the fireworks
launch site located
on a barge in
position 4507.867
N., 08714.617 W.(29) Fire over the Fox Green Bay, WI. All July 4; 9 p.m. to 11
Fireworks. waters of the Fox p.m. Rain date:
River including the July 5; 9 p.m. to
mouth of the East 11 p.m.
River from the
railroad bridge in
position 4431.467
N., 08800.633 W.
then southwest to
the US 141 bridge
in approximate
position 4431.102
N., 08800.963 W.
(30) Celebrate Americafest Green Bay, WI. All July 4 from 2:30
Ski Show. waters of the Fox p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
River, including Rain date: July 5;
the mouth of the 2:30 p.m. to 4:30
East River from the p.m.
West Walnut Street
Bridge in
position 4430.912
N., 08801.100 W.,
then northeast to
an imaginary line
across the river
through coordinate
4431.337 N.,
08800.640 W.(31) Marinette Fourth of Marinette, WI. All July 4; 9 p.m. to 11
July Celebration Fireworks. waters of the p.m. Rain date:
Menominee River, in July 5; 9 p.m. to
the vicinity of 11 p.m.
Stephenson Island,
within the arc of a
circle with a 900
foot radius from
the fireworks
launch site in
center position
456.232 N.,
08737.757 W.(32) Evanston Fourth of July Evanston, IL. All July 4; 9 p.m. to 11
Fireworks. waters of Lake p.m. Rain date:
Michigan, in the July 5; 9 p.m. to
vicinity of 11 p.m.
Centennial Park
Beach, within the
arc of a circle
with a 500-foot
radius from the
fireworks launch
site located in
position 4202.933
N., 08740.350 W.(33) Gary Air and Water Show Gary, IN. All waters July 10 thru 14;
of Lake Michigan 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
bounded by a line
drawn from 4137.250
N., 08716.763 W.;
then east to
4137.440 N.,
08713.822 W.; then
north to 4138.017
N., 08713.877 W.;
then southwest to
4137.805 N.,
08716.767 W.; then
south returning to
the point of origin.(34) Annual Trout Festival Kewaunee, WI. All Friday of the second
Fireworks. waters of Kewaunee complete weekend of
Harbor and Lake July; 9 p.m. to 11
Michigan within the p.m.
arc of a circle
with a 1000-foot
radius from the
fireworks launch
site located in
position 4427.493
N., 08729.750 W.(35) Michigan City Michigan City, IN. Sunday of the second
Summerfest Fireworks. All waters of complete weekend of
Michigan City July; 8:30 p.m. to
Harbor and Lake 10:30 p.m.
Michigan within the
arc of a circle
with a 1000-foot
radius from the
fireworks launch
site located in
position 4143.700
N., 08654.617 W.(36) Port Washington Fish Port Washington, WI. The third Saturday
Day Fireworks. All waters of Port of July; 9 p.m. to
Washington Harbor 11 p.m.
and Lake Michigan,
in the vicinity of
the WE Energies
coal dock, within
the arc of a circle
with a 1000-foot
radius from the
fireworks launch
site located in
position 4323.117
N., 08751.900 W.(37) Bay View Lions Club Milwaukee, WI. All Friday, Saturday,
South Shore Frolics waters of Lake and Sunday of the
Fireworks. Michigan and second or third
Milwaukee Harbor, weekend of July; 9
in the vicinity of p.m. to 11 p.m.
South Shore Yacht each day.
Club, within the
arc of a circle
with a 900-foot
radius from the
fireworks launch
site in position
4259.658 N.,
08752.808 W.(38) Venetian Festival St. Joseph, MI. All Saturday of the
Fireworks. waters of Lake third complete
Michigan and the weekend of July; 9
St. Joseph River, p.m. to 11 p.m.
near the east end
of the south pier,
within the arc of a
circle with a 1000-
foot radius from
the fireworks
launch site located
in position
4206.800 N.,
08629.250 W.(39) Joliet Waterway Daze Joliet, IL. All Friday and Saturday
Fireworks. waters of the Des of the third
Plaines River, at complete weekend of
mile 287.5, within July; 9 p.m. to 11
the arc of a circle p.m. each day.
with a 300-foot
radius from the
fireworks launch
site located in
position 4131.250
N., 08805.283 W.
(40) EAA Airventure......... Oshkosh, WI. All The last complete
waters of Lake week of July,
Winnebago in the beginning Monday
vicinity of Willow and ending Sunday;
Harbor within an 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
area bounded by a each day.
line connecting the
beginning at
4356.822 N., 088
29.904 W.; then
north approximately
5100 feet to
4357.653 N., 088
29.904 W., then
east approximately
2300 feet to
4357.653 N., 088
29.374 W.; then
south to shore at
4356.933 N.,
08829.374 W.; then
southwest along the
shoreline to
4356.822 N.,
08829.564 W.; then
west returning to
the point of origin.(41) Saugatuck Venetian Saugatuck, MI. All The last Saturday of
Night Fireworks. waters of Kalamazoo July; 9 p.m. to 11
Lake within the arc p.m.
of a circle with a
500-foot radius
from the fireworks
launch site located
on a barge in
position 4239.073
N., 08612.285 W.(42) Roma Lodge Italian Racine, WI. All Friday and Saturday
Festival Fireworks. waters of Lake of the last
Michigan and Racine complete weekend of
Harbor within the July; 9 p.m. to 11
arc of a circle p.m.
with a 1000-foot
radius from the
fireworks launch
site located in
position 4244.067
N., 08746.333 W.(43) Chicago Venetian Night Chicago, IL. All Saturday of the last
Fireworks. waters of Monroe weekend of July; 9
Harbor and all p.m. to 11 p.m.
waters of Lake
Michigan bounded by
a line drawn from
4153.050 N.,
08736.600 W.; then
east to 4153.050
N., 08736.350 W.;
then south to
4152.450 N.,
08736.350 W.; then
west to 4152.450
N., 08736.617 W.;
then north
returning to the
point of origin.(44) New Buffalo Business New Buffalo, MI. All July 3rd or July
Association Fireworks. waters of Lake 5th; 9:30 p.m. to
Michigan and New 11:15 p.m.
Buffalo Harbor
within the arc of a
circle with a 800-
foot radius from
the fireworks
launch site located
in position
4148.153 N.,
08644.823 W.(45) Start of the Chicago to Chicago, IL. All July 12; 2 p.m. to
Mackinac Race. waters of Lake 4:30 p.m. and July
Michigan in the 13; 9 a.m. to 3
vicinity of the p.m.
Navy Pier at
Chicago IL, within
a rectangle that is
approximately 1500
by 900 yards. The
rectangle is
bounded by the
beginning at
4153.252 N.,
08735.430 W.; then
south to 4152.812
N., 08735.430 W.;
then east to
4152.817 N.,
08734.433 W.; then
north to 4153.250
N., 08734.433 W.;
then west, back to
point of origin.(46) Fireworks at Pier Milwaukee, WI. All Dates and times will
Wisconsin. waters of Milwaukee be issued by Notice
Harbor, including of Enforcement and
Lakeshore Inlet and Broadcast Notice to
the marina at Pier Mariners.
Wisconsin, within
the arc of a circle
with a 300-foot
radius from the
fireworks launch
site on Pier
Wisconsin located
in approximate
position 4302.178
N., 08753.625 W.(47) Gills Rock Fireworks... Gills Rock, WI. All July 4; 8:30 p.m. to
waters of Green Bay 10:30 p.m.
near Gills Rock WI
within a 1000-foot
radius of the
launch vessel in
position at
4517.470 N.,
08701.728 W.(48) City of Menominee 4th Menominee, MI. All July 4; 9 p.m. to 11
of July Celebration waters of Green p.m.
Fireworks. Bay, in the
vicinity of
Menominee Marina,
within the arc of a
circle with a 900-
foot radius from a
center position at
4506.417 N.,
08736.024 W.
(49) Miesfeld's Lakeshore Sheboygan, WI. All July 26; 9 p.m. to
Weekend Fireworks. waters of Lake 10 p.m.
Michigan and
Sheboygan Harbor
within an 800-foot
radius from the
fireworks launch
site located at the
south pier in
position 4344.917
N., 08741.967 W.(50) Marinette Logging and Marinette, WI. All July 13; 9 p.m. to
Heritage Festival Fireworks. waters of the 11 p.m.
Menominee River, in
the vicinity of
Stephenson Island,
within the arc of a
circle with a 900-
foot radius from
the fireworks
launch site in
position 4506.232
N., 08737.757 W.(51) Summer in the City Green Bay, WI. All Each Wednesday of
Water Ski Show. waters of the Fox July through
River in Green Bay, August; 6 p.m. to
WI from the Main 6:30 p.m. and 7
Street Bridge in p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
position 4431.089
N., 08800.904 W.;
then southwest to
the Walnut Street
Bridge in position
4430.900 N.,
08801.091 W.(52) Holiday Celebration Kewaunee, WI. All July 4; 8:30 p.m. to
Fireworks. waters of Kewaunee 10:30 p.m. Rain
Harbor and Lake date: July 5; 8:30
Michigan within the p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
arc of a circle
with a 1000-foot
radius from the
fireworks launch
site located in
position 4427.481
N., 08729.735 W.(53) Independence Day Wilmette, IL. All July 3; 8:30 p.m. to
Fireworks. waters of Lake 10:15 p.m.
Michigan and the
North Shore Channel
within the arc of a
circle with a 1000-
foot radius from
the fireworks
launch site located
at approximate
center position
4204.674 N.,
08740.856 W.------------------------------------------------------------------------
(f) August Safety Zones------------------------------------------------------------------------(1) Michigan Super Boat Michigan City, IN. The first Sunday of
Grand Prix. All waters of Lake August; 9 a.m. to 4
Michigan bounded by p.m. Rain date: The
a rectangle drawn first Saturday of
from 4143.655 N., August; 9 a.m. to 4
08654.550 W.; then p.m.
northeast to
4144.808 N.,
08651.293 W., then
northwest to
4145.195 N.,
08651.757 W.; then
southwest to
4144.063 N.,
08654.873 W.; then
southeast returning
to the point of
origin.(2) Milwaukee Air and Water Milwaukee, WI. All July 31 thru August
Show. waters and adjacent 4; 8:30 a.m. to 5
shoreline of Lake p.m.
Michigan in the
vicinity of
McKinley Park
located within an
area that is
approximately 4800
by 1250 yards. The
area will be
bounded by the
points beginning at
4302.450 N.,
08752.850 W.; then
southeast to
4302.230 N.,
08752.061 W.; then
northeast to
4304.543 N.,
08750.801 W.; then
northwest to
4304.757 N.,
08751.512 W.; then
southwest returning
to the point of
origin.(3) Port Washington Maritime Port Washington, WI. Saturday of the last
Heritage Festival Fireworks. All waters of Port complete weekend of
Washington Harbor July or the second
and Lake Michigan, weekend of August;
in the vicinity of 9 p.m. to 11 p.m.
the WE Energies
coal dock, within
the arc of a circle
with a 1000-foot
radius from the
fireworks launch
site located in
position 4323.117
N., 08751.900 W.(4) Grand Haven Coast Guard Grand Haven, MI. All First weekend of
Festival Fireworks. waters of the Grand August; 9 p.m. to
River within the 11 p.m.
arc of a circle
with a 600-foot
radius from the
fireworks launch
site located on the
west bank of the
Grand River in
position 4303.907
N., 08614.247 W.
(5) Sturgeon Bay Yacht Club Sturgeon Bay, WI. The first Saturday
Evening on the Bay All waters of of August; 8 p.m.
Fireworks. Sturgeon Bay within to 10 p.m.
the arc of a circle
with a 280-foot
radius from the
fireworks launch
site located on a
barge in
position 4449.310
N., 08721.370 W.(6) Hammond Marina Venetian Hammond, IN. All The first Saturday
Night Fireworks. waters of Hammond of August; 9 p.m.
Marina and Lake to 11 p.m.
Michigan within the
arc of a circle
with a 1000-foot
radius from the
fireworks launch
site located in
position 4141.883
N., 08730.717 W.(7) North Point Marina Winthrop Harbor, IL. The second Saturday
Venetian Festival Fireworks. All waters of Lake of August; 9 p.m.
Michigan within the to 11 p.m.
arc of a circle
with a 1000-foot
radius from the
fireworks launch
site located in
position 4228.917
N., 08747.933 W.(8) Waterfront Festival Menominee, MI. All August 3; 9 p.m. to
Fireworks. waters of Green 11 p.m.
Bay, in the
vicinity of
Menominee Marina,
within the arc of a
circle with a 1000-
foot radius from a
center position at
4506.447 N.,
08735.991 W.(9) Ottawa Riverfest Ottawa, IL. All The first Sunday of
Fireworks. waters of the August; 9 p.m. to
Illinois River, at 11 p.m.
mile 239.7, within
the arc of a circle
with a 300-foot
radius from the
fireworks launch
site located in
position 4120.483
N., 08851.333 W.(10) Chicago Air and Water Chicago, IL. All August 14 thru 18;
Show. waters and adjacent 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
shoreline of Lake
Michigan and
Chicago Harbor
bounded by a line
drawn from 4155.900
N. at the
shoreline, then
east to 4155.900
N., 08737.200 W.,
then southeast to
4154.000 N.,
08736.000 W., then
southwestward to
the northeast
corner of the
Jardine Water
Filtration Plant,
then due west to
the shore.(11) Pentwater Homecoming Pentwater, MI. All Saturday following
Fireworks. waters of Lake the second Thursday
Michigan and the of August; 9 p.m.
Pentwater Channel to 11 p.m.
within the arc of a
circle with a 1000-
foot radius from
the fireworks
launch site located
in position
4346.942 N.,
08626.633 W.(12) Chicago Match Cup Race. Chicago, IL. All August 6 thru 11; 8
waters of Chicago a.m. to 8 p.m.
Harbor in the
vicinity of Navy
Pier and the
Chicago Harbor
break wall bounded
by coordinates
beginning at
4153.617 N.,
08735.433 W.; then
south to 4153.400
N., 08735.433 W.;
then west to
4153.400 N.,
08735.917 W.; then
north to 4153.617
N., 08735.917 W.;
then back to point
of origin.(13) New Buffalo Ship and New Buffalo, MI. All August 10; 9:30 p.m.
Shore Fireworks. waters of Lake to 11:15 p.m.
Michigan and New
Buffalo Harbor
within the arc of a
circle with a 800-
foot radius from
the fireworks
launch site located
in position
4148.150 N.,
08644.817 W.(14) Sister Bay Marinafest Sister Bay, WI. All August 31; 1 p.m. to
Ski Show. waters of Sister 3:15 p.m.
Bay within an 800-
foot radius of
position 4511.585
N., 08707.392 W.(15) Sister Bay Marinafest Sister Bay, WI. All August 31; 8:15 p.m.
Fireworks. waters of Sister to 10 p.m.
Bay within an 800-
foot radius of the
launch vessel in
position 4511.585
N., 08707.392 W.
(16) Vessel Launch at Marinette, WI. All This zone will be
Marinette Marine. waters of the enforced when a
Menominee River in vessel is launched
the vicinity of by issue of Notice
Marinette Marine of Enforcement and
Corporation, from Marine Broadcast.
the Bridge Street
Bridge located in
position 4506.188
N., 08737.583 W.,
then approximately
.95 NM south east
to a line crossing
the river
passing through
positions 4505.881
N., 08736.281 W.,
and 4505.725 N.,
08736.385 W.(17) Fireworks Display...... Winnetka, IL. All Third Saturday of
waters of Lake August; 9:15 p.m.
Michigan within the to 10:30 p.m.
arc of a circle
with a 900-foot
radius from a
center point barge
located in
position 4206.402
N., 08743.115 W.(18) Algoma Shanty Days Algoma, WI. All Sunday of the second
Fireworks. waters of Lake complete weekend of
Michigan and Algoma August; 9 p.m. to
Harbor within the 11 p.m.
arc of a circle
with a 1000-foot
radius from the
fireworks launch
site located in a
center position of
4436.400 N.,
08725.900 W.------------------------------------------------------------------------
(g) September Safety Zones------------------------------------------------------------------------(1) ISAF Nations Cup Grand Sheboygan, WI. All September 13; 7:45
Final Fireworks Display. waters of Lake p.m. to 8:45 p.m.
Michigan and
Sheboygan Harbor,
in the vicinity of
the south pier in
Wisconsin, within a
500 foot radius
from the fireworks
launch site located
on land in position
4344.917 N.,
08741.850 W.------------------------------------------------------------------------
(h) November Safety Zones------------------------------------------------------------------------(1) Downtown Milwaukee Milwaukee, WI. All The third Thursday
Fireworks. waters of the of November; 6 p.m.
Milwaukee River in to 8 p.m.
the vicinity of the
State Street Bridge
within the arc of a
circle with a 300-
foot radius from a
center point
fireworks launch
site in approximate
position 4302.559
N., 08754.749 W.(2) Magnificent Mile Chicago, IL. All The third weekend in
Fireworks Display. waters and adjacent November; sunset to
shoreline of the termination of
Chicago River display.
bounded by the arc
of the circle with
a 210-foot radius
from the fireworks
launch site with
its center in
position of
4153.350 N.,
08737.400 W.------------------------------------------------------------------------
(i) December Safety Zones------------------------------------------------------------------------(1) New Years Eve Fireworks. Chicago, IL. All December 31; 11 p.m.
waters of Monroe to January 1 at 1
Harbor and Lake a.m.
Michigan within the
arc of a circle
with a 1000-foot
radius from the
fireworks launch
site located on a
barge in
position 4152.683
N., 08736.617 W.------------------------------------------------------------------------\1\ All coordinates listed in Table 165.929 reference Datum NAD 1983.\2\ As noted in paragraph (a)(3) of this section, the enforcement dates
and times for each of the listed safety zones are subject to change. [USCG-2014-1001, 80 FR 8538, Feb. 18, 2015]