(a) Purpose. Fairways, as described in this section are established to control the erection of structures therein to provide safe vessel routes along the Atlantic Coast.
(b) Designated Areas--(1) Off New York Shipping Safety Fairway. (i) Ambrose to Nantucket Safety Fairway. The area enclosed by rhumb lines, [North American Datum of 1927 (NAD-27)] joining points at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Latitude Longitude------------------------------------------------------------------------
403220" N 730457" W
403058" N 725825" W
403407" N 701923" W
403537" N 701409" W
403037" N 701400" W
403207" N 701919" W
402858" N 725825" W
402720" N 730457" W------------------------------------------------------------------------
(ii) Nantucket to Ambrose Safety Fairway. The area enclosed by rhumb lines, NAD-27, joining point at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Latitude Longitude------------------------------------------------------------------------
285433" N 892607" W
402420" N 730458" W
402258" N 725826" W
402607" N 701909" W
402737" N 701346" W
402237" N 701336" W
402407" N 701905" W
402058" N 725826" W
401920" N 730458" W------------------------------------------------------------------------ [CGD 84-004, 52 FR 33589, Sept. 4, 1987; 52 FR 36248, Sept. 28, 1987]