(a) Regulations for the operation and maintenance of local flood protection works approved by the Secretary of the Army under the authority contained in Section 3 of the Flood Control Act of June 22, 1936, as amended and supplemented, are codified as Sec. 208.10 of this chapter. These regulations cover conditions normally and regularly required. Whenever the regulations are not sufficiently broad to cover the specific maintenance and operation requirements of a particular project, District Engineers will submit through the Division Engineers recommended additional regulations needed for that particular project. Such supplemental regulations will require approval of the Secretary of the Army and will be made applicable only to the individual project concerned. Local interests will be advised of the approved regulations for operation and maintenance of local flood protection works at the time assurances of local cooperation are requested. District Engineers will keep informed as to the extent of compliance with approved regulations for operation and maintenance through regular, periodic inspection of the projects concerned and through careful analysis of the semiannual reports which the operating and maintaining agencies are required to submit in accordance with the regulations. The District Engineer's views as to any measures required to conform to the approved regulations will be furnished to the agencies responsible. In any case where the District Engineer has been unable to arrange satisfactory compliance or where there is question or disagreement as to the measures required for compliance, a report of the circumstances, together with the recommendations of the District and Division Engineers, will be submitted to the Chief of Engineers for consideration.
(b) Regulations for the use of storage allocated for flood control or navigation at reservoirs constructed wholly or in part with Federal funds provided on the basis of such purposes, are contained in Sec. 208.16 et seq. of this chapter.