Division engineers will review the Districts Master Plan priority schedule and monitor regional studies and Master Plan preparation to insure timely compliance on development of resource use objectives. Future budget submissions and expenditures of construction and operation and maintenance funds will be reviewed by division engineers as to their relationship to the approved resource use objectives and management implementation. Questions and requests for technical assistance concerning implementation of the concept and guidance set forth in this regulation may be directed to HQDA (DAEN-CWP-P) WASH DC 20314 or DAEN-CWO-R.
Sec. Appendix A to Part 279--Sample Resource Use Objectives
This appendix presents some example resource use objectives that might be derived for a water resource project. They are presented for illustrative purposes only and are not intended to represent any specific project or the full range of objectives that could be developed.
The following sample resource use objectives reflect what could result from a detailed analysis and evaluation of the resources on the project, the resources and opportunity in the general region, and the needs of the public. Each objective has a brief discussion on why that particular objective would be selected.
Resource use objective: To provide high quality swimming opportunity with a variety of high density day-use which include picnicking, beaches, play fields, tot lots, open space, walks, and non-power boating.
(Discussion) The analysis of regional and site specific factors indicates that this project with its small water surface and excellent water quality is not suitable for power boating; is in a suburban area with housing developments already adjacent to the project boundaries or presently planned; the natural resources have already been extensively disturbed; the soil conditions would be susceptive to extensive landscaping and could withstand high levels of public use; the water quality and waterland form characteristics are ideal for swimming and wading; there is currently a deficiency in available lake swimming, open space and day use activity facilities in the going market area; and there exists a non-Federal government agency to assist in carrying out this objective.
Resource use objective: To establish and maintain a high quality warm water fishery which would support an initial use of 70,000 fishermen recreation days.
(Discussion) The analysis of pertinent factors indicates that there exists a high demand for warm water fishing; that the water quality and other necessary environmental factors are present which would support a warm water fishery; that modified reservoir clearing, water level management and provision for fish shelters would provide necessary inputs for improved fish production; that some zoning on boat usage in certain embayments will decrease the conflicts between fishing and boating; and that current state fishery programs will provide assistance and the necessary technical advice.
Resource use objective: To establish an ecological study area at Wakulla Wash for the protection and study of its unique vegetative associations.
(Discussion) The analysis of pertinent factors indicates that high intensity recreation use demand can be satisfied at other areas on the project; the soil in the wash would be highly susceptible to erosion if the vegetation were removed; soil compaction would cause loss of ground cover; trails can be designed to avoid drainage and erosion problems; unique associations of vegetation exist in the wash; the nearest vehicle access point is one mile from the site; during public meetings local environmental groups have expressed an interest to preserve the area for educational purposes; there is a large population base within two hours drive of the project; two local universities have volunteered to administer the area in conjunction with their environmental course work and related work; and the County is zoning the adjacent land to protect the watershed of the Wash.
Resource use objective: To provide overnight use to accommodate transient cross-county travelers.
(Discussion) The analysis of regional and site factors indicate that this project with its small water surface and lack of scenic qualities does not experience much local use. A heavily traveled Interstate Highway with an interchange is within a quarter mile of the project boundary. The location of this project is such that it is within a days travel from major recreation areas; the soil conditions are suitable for high density public use and there is a deficiency of transient camping along this portion of the Interstate.
Resource use objective: To provide a high quality diversified recreation opportunity that would satisfy requirements for destination or vacation type activities.
(Discussion) The analysis of regional and site factors indicate that this project with its outstanding scenic qualities and its location, is suitable for destination or vacation type recreation activities. Private interest have expressed desires to provide sophisticated lodging and camping facilities together with other recreation development to provide for a diversity of recreation activities.
Resource use objective: To establish a cultural interpretive area for the protection, study and viewing of its unique archeological (historical) resource.
(Discussion) The analysis of pertinent factors indicates that high intensity recreation use demand can be satisfied at other areas on the project. The archeological (historical) site is one of the few sites that has not been destroyed over the years. The local archeological (historical) society has expressed an interest during public meeting in preserving and interpreting the site as part of their society program.