(a) It is the policy of the Chief of Engineers that all water resource projects administered by the Corps will have established a set of resource use objectives. These objectives will be based upon the expressed preferences of the residents of the region served (social option) and will be in keeping with the capabilities of the natural and man-made resources of the specific project (resource option). A regional analysis is required to tailor each project to serve expressed preferences within its resource capabilities and consistent with Federal laws and administrative cost-sharing policy. Preparation of regional studies and establishment of these objectives will utilize an interdisciplinary team with leadership by planning, and participation from engineering, design, real estate, and operations elements. Each project will emphasize those specific resource use objectives determined, through public participation, to achieve the greatest overall public benefit. Subsequent aspects of planning, development, and management for the specific project will be directed to achieving the approved resource use objectives.
(b) The implementation of this policy requires that the public be fully involved in the regional studies and development of resource use objectives and management plans for each specific water resource project, including at least one public meeting. The establishment of resource use objective may be addressed at a general public meeting held for the project if adequate discussion can be achieved. If not, the district engineer should conduct a separate meeting for this purpose.