Sector Southeastern New England's office is located in Wood's Hole, MA. The boundaries of Sector Southeastern New England's Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone start on the Massachusetts coast at Manomet Point at latitude 41[deg]55[min]00[sec] N, longitude 70[deg]33[min]00[sec] W; thence northeast to latitude 42[deg]08[min]00[sec] N, longitude 70[deg]15[min]00[sec] W; thence east to the outermost extent of the EEZ at latitude 42[deg]08[min]00[sec] N, longitude 67[deg]08[min]17[sec] W; thence south along the outermost extent of the EEZ to latitude 38[deg]24[min]45[sec] N, longitude 67[deg]41[min]26[sec] W; thence northwest to a point near Watch Hill Light, RI, at latitude 41[deg]18[min]14[sec] N, longitude 71[deg]51[min]30[sec] W; thence northeast to Westerly, RI, at latitude 41[deg]21[min]00[sec] N, longitude 71[deg]48[min]30[sec] W; thence north to latitude 41[deg]25[min]00[sec] N, longitude 71[deg]48[min]00[sec] W; thence north along the Connecticut-Rhode Island boundary, including the waters of Beach Pond, to the Massachusetts boundary; thence east along the Massachusetts-Rhode Island boundary to the northeastern most corner of Rhode Island; thence northeast to latitude 42[deg]04[min]00[sec] N, longitude 71[deg]06[min]00[sec] W; thence southeast to the point of origin. [USCG-2006-25556, 72 FR 36319, July 2, 2007, as amended by USCG-2014-0410, 79 FR 38427, July 7, 2014]