The Sector North Bend office is located in North Bend, OR. The boundaries of Sector North Bend's Search and Rescue Mission Coordinator Zone start at a point 45[deg]12.0[min] N. latitude, 123[deg]18.0[min] W. longitude and proceeds southward along the 123[deg]18.0[min] W. longitude, to a point 42[deg]00.0[min] N. latitude, 123[deg]18.0[min] W. longitude; thence westerly along 42[deg]0.00[min] N. latitude to the sea. The offshore boundary is bounded on the south by the southern boundary of the 13th Coast Guard District, which is described in Sec. 3.65-10, to the outermost extent of the EEZ; thence northerly along the outermost extent of the EEZ to 45[deg]12.0[min] N. latitude; thence easterly along 45[deg]12.0[min] N. latitude to a point 45[deg]12.0[min] N. latitude, 123[deg]18.0[min] W. longitude. Sector North Bend's search and rescue mission coordination responsibilities extend from its eastern most boundary seaward to 50 nautical miles west of the coastline. [USCG-2013-0397, 78 FR 39170, July 1, 2013]
Subpart 3.70_Fourteenth Coast Guard District