(a) The area. The waters of Port Gardner and East Waterway surrounding Naval Station Everett beginning at Point 1, a point near the northwest corner of Naval Station Everett at latitude 475940" North, longitude 1221323.5" West and thence to latitude 475940" North, longitude 1221330" West (Point 2); thence to latitude 475920" North, longitude 1221333" West (Point 3); thence to latitude 475913" North, longitude 1221338" West (Point 4); thence to latitude 475905.5" North, longitude 1221348.5" West (Point 5); thence to latitude 475851" North, longitude 1221404" West (Point 6); thence to latitude 475845.5" North, longitude 1221353" West (Point 7); thence to latitude 475845.5" North, longitude 1221344" West (Point 8); thence to latitude 475848" North, longitude 1221340" West (Point 9); thence to latitude 475859" North, longitude 1221330" West (Point 10); thence to latitude 475914" North, longitude 1221318" West (Point 11); thence to latitude 475913" North, longitude 1221312" West (Point 12); thence to latitude 475920" North, longitude 1221308" West (Point 13); thence to latitude 475920" North, longitude 1221302.5" West (Point 14), a point upon the Naval Station's shore in the northeast corner of East Waterway.
(b) The regulation. (1) All persons and vessels are prohibited from entering the waters within the restricted area for any reason without prior written permission from the Commanding Officer of the Naval Station Everett.
(1) All persons and vessels are prohibited from entering the waters within the restricted area for any reason without prior written permission from the Commanding Officer of the Naval Station Everett.
(2) Mooring, anchoring, fishing and/or recreational boating shall not be allowed within the restricted area without prior written permission from the Commanding Officer, Naval Station Everettt.
(c) Enforcement. The regulation in this section, promulgated by the United States Army Corps of Engineers, shall be enforced by the Commanding Officer, Naval Station Everett and such agencies and persons as he/she shall designate. [67 FR 36525, May 24, 2002]