(a) The area. All of the navigable waters of the Potomac River extending approximately 500 meters from the high-water mark on the Eastern shoreline of the MCAF, bounded by these coordinates (including the Chopawamsic Creek channel, but excluding Chopawamsic Island): Beginning at latitude 382934.04" N, longitude 0771822.4" W (Point A); thence to latitude 382943.01" N, longitude 077184.1" (Point B); thence to latitude 382955.1" N, longitude 0771751.3" W (Point C); thence to latitude 383010.1" N, longitude 0771740.3" W (Point D); thence to latitude 383023.43" N, longitude 0771750.30" W (Point E); then along the western shoreline of Chopawamsic Island to latitude 383035.13" N, longitude 0771747.45" W (Point F); thence to latitude 383042.1" N, longitude 0771737.1" W (Point G); thence to latitude 383050.71" N, longitude 0771754.12" W (Point H); then along the shoreline to latitude 38300.058" N, longitude 0771839.26" W (Point I); then across the Chopawamsic Channel to latitude 382958.45" N, longitude 0771839.97" W (Point J); thence to latitude 382938.2" N, longitude 0771838.14" W (Point K); and thence to the beginning point of origin.
(b) The regulations. (1) All persons, vessels, or other craft are prohibited from entering, transiting, drifting, dredging, or anchoring within the restricted area without the permission of the Commander, MCB Quantico or his/her designated representatives. The restriction will be in place 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
(1) All persons, vessels, or other craft are prohibited from entering, transiting, drifting, dredging, or anchoring within the restricted area without the permission of the Commander, MCB Quantico or his/her designated representatives. The restriction will be in place 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
(2) The boundary of the restricted area will be demarcated with marker buoys and warning signs set at 500 foot intervals. In addition, floating small craft intrusion barriers marked with reflective material will be placed across the Chopawamsic Creek channel at the entrance to the channel from the Potomac River and immediately west of the CSX railroad bridge.
(c) Enforcement. The regulations in this section shall be enforced by the Commander, MCB Quantico or any such agencies he/she designates. The areas identified in paragraph (a) of this section will be monitored 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Any person or vessel encroaching within the areas identified in paragraph (a) of this section will be directed to immediately leave the restricted area. Failure to do so could result in forceful removal and/or criminal charges.
(d) Exceptions. Commercial fisherman will be authorized controlled access to the restricted area (with the exception of Chopawamisc Creek channel) after registering with MCB Quantico officials and following specific access notification procedures. [76 FR 6328, Feb. 4, 2011; 76 FR 10524, Feb. 25, 2011]